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Second van ?


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Just looking for a bit of advise, how much roughly do you think you should be turning over before you can justify having a second van on the road ?

I currently have one van on the road but some days I think it would be more cost effective to have my colleague going off and working in another location.

Any advise would be appreciated.
Not that I have experience in this but first off you have to work out the current costs of your van - insurance, tax, fuel, mot, maintenance + Purchase/replacement over say 6 years. Once you have that figure you can then start to look at how the numbers stack up.
Also do you trust your colleague enough to go out on their own all day every day without supervision?
I would guess you would need 50k turnover minimum starting point per van so 100k +VAT for 2 vans as a minimum and grow from there.
I read a post the other day where the guy had a couple of vans out and 3 guys yet hadn’t hit the vat threshold and couldn’t work out why he wasn’t making any money.

It’s extremely expensive running vans and staff now legally and legitimately.I admire anyone that achieves it especially in domestic window cleaning.