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rinse rinse rinse mate. if it the first time wfp you will get all the cr*p that trad dont get mate on the top of the windows.

give the tops a damn good scrub also the top of the window as the seal might be dirty as hell kind like when you do trad and you get black lines all about your drying cloth.

also tell the customer there will be a few spots within the first 3 cleans it can be less but just reassure them that its fine. 

make sure you get a tds meter and have a reading of 000 but i never let mine go above 008

on new cleans i have my method but not everyone is the same. scrub the tops working around the top of the house, by the time you are back to the first window scrub again, then repeat he process on the 3rd time just do the glass.

then the next time you are at the house its the normal wash rinse and bang them out in no time. 
