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Too Much Work


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I have always worried about not having enough work and been gutted if I lose a customer due to moving etc. But now the opposite is just as difficult. Im suffering from too much work. I'm picking new houses up every week now the weather has improved a bit. I want to turn them down and say I'm full but I just can't. Its a hunger to improve I think. Ive employed a friend for one day a week, which has helped massively, but thats all he wants. I suppose I could increase prices on the ones I don't like doing and maybe drop them that way. Or employ another helper. I don't wanna sell work as it may increase competition. Anyone else have this situation ?

get that 2nd helper on board then. otherwise you will stall and get stale, like old bread

who wants that

Same ere. A bloke has asked me to do a one off conservatory roof clean. Ive told him I'll get back to him. But I probably won't. Just wanna keep my regulars happy first. They're my priority.

I have always worried about not having enough work and been gutted if I lose a customer due to moving etc. But now the opposite is just as difficult. Im suffering from too much work. I'm picking new houses up every week now the weather has improved a bit. I want to turn them down and say I'm full but I just can't. Its a hunger to improve I think. Ive employed a friend for one day a week, which has helped massively, but thats all he wants. I suppose I could increase prices on the ones I don't like doing and maybe drop them that way. Or employ another helper. I don't wanna sell work as it may increase competition. Anyone else have this situation ?
Yeah works gone mad - got employee 3/4 days now and it gets busier - how often you get round your work ? I do shops weekly and houses 6 weeks but having to push back to 7

People don't mind especially with WFP they stay cleaner

Plus it's big houses so they cost a bit

Most of my monthly cleans are becoming 6 weekly due to me playing catch up. Nobody has complained ... Yet lol. I've had a couple people text me for an ETA. As long as they know you are still coming they seem happy enough. Still a week or two behind by my reckoning.

Most of my monthly cleans are becoming 6 weekly due to me playing catch up. Nobody has complained ... Yet lol. I've had a couple people text me for an ETA. As long as they know you are still coming they seem happy enough. Still a week or two behind by my reckoning.
Same here - aslong as you communicate and they know your coming

I'd like to dump a few houses that i dread doing but its awkward cause they are friends with other customers i clean for and some are right next to each other and they'll see me lol

Refinement is the key. Increase any prices where you see fit, dump any work you're not too keen on, only take cream work on too.

I was in the same position a few years ago, you have to bite the bullet & refine to end up with a round of cream!!/emoticons/smile.png I quote very little these days, I pass more on than I take for myself as I will only take the very cream of the crop.

yep very busy out there...

one just phoned at eight this morn...

in a bad mood cause someone let the dog in and he decided to wash himself...

not the best sound to wake up to...

I havent even had my first coffee...

weather great though with a nice breeze keeping it okay.

best way is too smurf all new jobs..

but that can be hard when they are right in your little area...

I have dropped a few odd ones so far...

and done a runner a few times...

and do think....will they want you so much on a dark dismal rainy november day?

but eventually ....I will get straight...or

GET OUT EARLIER....oh but...I likes my late start and early finish and..

theres always next week..:whistle:

Its horrible when you have customers that have been waiting ages. I always feel like I'm going to lose them, but I struggle to say no to work. And then to top it off a gem of a job will come along just when I don't need it, but its too good to miss. Just remember its always better than being quiet.

too right tolish ...love the rushing around really makes the day pass so fast..

skived a bit yesterday as it was starting to get silly hot.

but day before came in at half five sat in my chair and wasnt tired but just sorta buzzing cause I knew I had done a full day for a change..felt really strange..for me that is..

must get off as got another busy one again..

as you know ...I sneak around when the custy is out mainly...

and when I enter a long over due area..

I have to check they are still dirty first..

as I am paranoid they have just got some one else whilst waiting for me...

but after a while people seem to get used to me..

for fecks sake ...they all have my number and I am on mobile landline email...

I do like cheapies request service as I have to go if not just to pick the money up..

could have done without the canyoujuster yesterday though..

canyoujuster check this downspout whilst your up there..

canyoujuster move the heavy bamboo pot with my work man

canyoujuster cut the wiseria back..


but....she did give cheapie a cuppa and a bit of extra money

and she didnt stand and watch him do it which really pees him off.

and she did say she would tidy up the wisteria clippings of the ground ..which is really the hardest part...


and so going miles out of the way to do one that urgently needed them done for this weekend...

er...its next day windowcleaning...

not....same day windowcleaning..

canyoujuster ...put my new lawn mower together..

I feckin hate putting things together

its the wifes job..

and it was hot with no shade...

a bit of :swear::swear::swear: later that crap cheapo lawnmower was altogether..

no instructions just pictures...


cheapie did get a text later saying a bottle of wine and extra money next time../emoticons/biggrin.png

not for two days...:rofl::rofl::rofl:

managed to dodge two today thankfully..

a big gated one not in I have climbed over but thought ...its too hot and its friday and my chair is calling...

I did try again later but was so so happy when no one let me in..

dont worry ...it will all start again on monday../emoticons/biggrin.png

No gutter or facia or first cleans till I've caught up. Have dropped 47 customers in last 3 weeks for one thing or another & this as well as the no first cleans & gutters has helped me. Getting back on time now.
