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Unger NLite Sill Brush - Green


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Hi Just wondering if anyone has converted one of these brushes with a gardiner quick loq socket. I am tempted to buy one but hesitant as if I cant convert it I wont bother, As all my other brushes have quick loq sockets. Only want to use it for commercial jobs really

Its heavier, but not mega heavy, my mates been using his on commercial jobs and is tearing through the work, with great results. This is why im tempted to get one, but wanted it to have a quick loq socket.

I find whenever you get a new brush you smash through work. Its like running in slippers as a kid, you may be fast at first but if you do it for too long you'll slow right down.

@paul alan is our resident brush collector, perhaps he could give you so actual advice.

Going back to my first days using the brick aka. vikan sill brush. I honestly think you get a better clean using a heavier brush. Get down the gym. 5Kg no problem

I find whenever you get a new brush you smash through work. Its like running in slippers as a kid, you may be fast at first but if you do it for too long you'll slow right down.

@paul alan is our resident brush collector, perhaps he could give you so actual advice.
Funny topic this actualy, as I have always favoured the lighter brush up until recently.

Now I'm into rinse bars I find a heavier brush is better, way more scrubbing power. I have just bought a constructor brush and set it up with the "beast" boars hair bristles.

It is hands down the most aggresive brush I have ever used, a true "one pass" brush. Cut in the top frame and all you have to do is a good push on the up stroke and let the pressure off to rinse on the down stroke, awesome. Saving loads of time and water! It put an extra £10 an hour on my work last week.

This is what im saying Paul, All these lighter brushes are ok for 5 storey buildings which would kill you with a heavy brush, but im talking houses / small first / second floor commercials / shops etc. A little extra weight maybe but its the results business we are in and I find a heavier brush brings better results, I know everyone has their own preferences which is great, going back to when I first started I used the vikan sill brush and never had a problem used if for everything, its heavier yes, but when its on the glass its fine. 

Having used the old Vikan sill brush for many years it was an excellent brush but way to heavy , I recently tried a x line  sill brush used it for less than a morning way to heavy , I also tried there rectangular DuPont brush again not a fan of it bristles are no ware near stiff enough for first cleans so Ime back to the Gardiners supream stiff brush not keen on it but it’s the best brush for hot water that I’ve tried and I’ve tried a few ???

Does the hot water have a soften effect on the bristles and that's why you need to go stiff? @Pjj

Yes it does I think the general rule of thumb is that you need the stiff version of a brush for hot and the medium for cold , Gardiners brushes tell you on the chart what temperature they are suitable for an ordinary brush will not last long with hot the bristles will curl up and go soft when scrubbing the glass 

This is what im saying Paul, All these lighter brushes are ok for 5 storey buildings which would kill you with a heavy brush, but im talking houses / small first / second floor commercials / shops etc. A little extra weight maybe but its the results business we are in and I find a heavier brush brings better results, I know everyone has their own preferences which is great, going back to when I first started I used the vikan sill brush and never had a problem used if for everything, its heavier yes, but when its on the glass its fine. 
All well and good saying a heavy brush is great for cleaning etc, but it isn’t just about that. You have to consider using that brush 5 days a week, nearly all year, how the long term effects might be slowly damaging your body.

Waving a lighter brush for years on end has to be better in the long run on the shoulders and back 

All well and good saying a heavy brush is great for cleaning etc, but it isn’t just about that. You have to consider using that brush 5 days a week, nearly all year, how the long term effects might be slowly damaging your body.

Waving a lighter brush for years on end has to be better in the long run on the shoulders and back 
If you are doing maintenance cleans then A light brush is all you need IMO also poling 4 storey houses my 35cm extreme is perfect. 
