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Hi guys I have ordered a univalve, just a simple question , how do I take the horrible bulky pain in the ass tap that keeps getting in the way and connect the hose back together ( very new to this wfp ) thanks for any help!!
Just follow the instructions that come in with it @Amos. Its easy. Just need to get it fitted the right way round which again is shown clearly in the enclosed instructions.
Steven has videos on his website that will show you the unit fitted - the second one down on the page.
Its also good to order the right length of pole hose they supply as it has limited stretch. Some of the Gardiner pole hose also works but I don't know which one.
Any 8mm OD (Outer Diameter) PU hose should work. Avoid PVC hose unless you have a very short pole as it is very stretchy by comparison to PU hose and results in a less accurate operation of the Univalve.
Re your question of joining your hose back together once you have removed the old tap. It's best to limit any joins to an absolute minimum as even they will get caught on things as you will need to use 'o' rings to hold the hose on to any joiner you use and its amazing how many things those little ears will get caught on. If the remaining piece of hose is too short to use with the univalve fitted and pole fully extended then fit a complete new length of pole hose.