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Water Fed Backpack


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looks okay for the price....till they add the vat......:eek:...i keep looking but that is the kit i want...so as i said to mr taytay...i will let you try it out for me:rofl: keep us posted on what you get and how it works out...

Simply put you get what you pay for :rolleyes:

That package includes a cheap & nasty overpriced china crap backpack sprayer that will not last you very long going by what others have said. The brodex 18' ali pole will be heavy & whippy but you will find it too short for most 2 storey jobs like reaching over conservatories, flat roofs etc.

Just my own opinion you understand but that deal looks :turd: for £340 inc vat

backpacks if you could get gd reliable one you canny go wrong quick for back of houses no hoses.

the down side sadly i have had bad luck since October i,m on my second one ,keeps breaking down very frustrating

ditched the backpacks and now only use hoses

I think I'll take some more time before I buy one. I would rather one that was going to last even if does cost a lot. I have some wagtails coming soon so that should keep me busy while I look at backpacks /emoticons/smile.png

the wcw bk pk is good, the shurflo one is more pricy but i herd its beta not shore how true that is tho, gardeners also do one think there ok but not mch adjustment on the flow side of things

Got 2 of the Gardiners backpack, had them a couple of months - use both of them on the lowest flow setting with no problems at all (so far!) /emoticons/smile.png

My wcw backpack is now 2 years old & still going strong. My big boy is just over a year old & still going. Maybe I'm lucky /emoticons/biggrin.png

HelloI am thinking of purchasing one of these.


I mostly use the traditional methods and will remain that way but some windows just can't be done. I hope to use this for those jobs and maybe use it for conservatory roofs.

I'd appriciate anyones opinions and experiences about them and maybe show me ones that maybe better for a good price.


I have a gardiner back pack, only use it for a couple of jobs a month due to access issues. Seems to be pretty good and has an adjustable switch, seems powerful. Think I got their new improved version. When choosing a pole make sure its long enough, as I have a gardiner slx25,(great pole, so far) which is almost fully extended when cleaning a couple of big conservatory roofs, which are high and deep, as you have to stand a fair bit back sometimes to see what you are doing. You will no doubt work it out since your using trad gear with wagtails. My friend uses them and thinks their great for conservatory roofs. Remember you have to buy resin for the DI bottle, which is about £60-£70.
