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Wfp plus soap and dog poo


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what a day today I went to a clients house I have never seen windows this dirty my wfp doesn't have a detergent spencer on it so I got my applicator soaped up the windows rinse then water fed it has anyone else done this before is it common practice,? Then to make matters worse going to the back yard dog poo everywhere every 200mm easy so I decided to back up my wfp and just trad it didn't want dog poo all over my hoses and poles. But the lady was extremely happy also she covered the windows on the inside all of them so I could not see in at all do you Guys get that a lot ? As i only did the outside windows spider webs everywhere even inside behind the curtains crazy I couldn't live like that


what a day today I went to a clients house I have never seen windows this dirty my wfp doesn't have a detergent spencer on it so I got my applicator soaped up the windows rinse then water fed it has anyone else done this before is it common practice,? Then to make matters worse going to the back yard dog poo everywhere every 200mm easy so I decided to back up my wfp and just trad it didn't want dog poo all over my hoses and poles. But the lady was extremely happy also she covered the windows on the inside all of them so I could not see in at all do you Guys get that a lot ? As i only did the outside windows spider webs everywhere even inside behind the curtains crazy I couldn't live like that
yikes !! Sounds nasty !

Personally i try to avoid putting on Any detergent when in wfp cleaning , just extra work as you have to flush it Off . I Think i Would done the same , totally hates when my hose gets soaked

I have one house with dog poo that i have told them i will no longer clean if they don't clear it up first

Big patio and they are happy to leave it all over

I love animals.but I refuse to clean a property if theres dog crap around the back.but you have to be diplomatic & politely ask them 2 clean it up1st.

i spray ubik2000 on the brush soap up 3 windows then scrub an rinse i would use a ladder in sted of draging hose throu dog sxxxxhit or refuse to clean

My worst scenario in traditional is standing on the poo and without realising it leaving it on nearly every rung of the ladder. Only time I pray for rain - to wash it

oh bugger... i hope Im not in for the curse of reading wcf posts...everytime I read something it seems to happen...

yes alastair worst thing ever getting to the top rung and thinking whats that smell....and looking down:eek::turd:

but.....one up for wfp......i stood nicely in some cat muck hidden under a bush....lovely right in the grooves of my favorite boot....but....wfp brush jets on full and blast away..
