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What’s the best 4040 ro membrane?


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Building my own 4040 set up and have tap flow rats of 12 lpm with 60psi and 75ppm, I been looking at getting the axeon hf5 membrane but wondered what anyone else thinks or recommends?

Building my own 4040 set up and have tap flow rats of 12 lpm with 60psi and 75ppm, I been looking at getting the axeon hf5 membrane but wondered what anyone else thinks or recommends?

I would tend to stick with an HF5 Axeon tbh. 60psi is a little low for an HF4 imho.

When I built mine up I went with 20" prefilters.

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Thanks pal I’ve got the ro housing and bought the 20 inch twin spectrum prefilter unit with gauges in from gardiner so just need the membrane now, I’ve seen this one on eBay https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F401397798849

the guy reckons it’s about 15% less production but better quality water produced apparently?

On the 9th of October 2014 @doug atkinson replied to a poster whose membrane wasn't performing efficiently. It was a different membrane but it was from the same chinese manufacturer. I'm not sure if it the same ebay supplier you linked to.

Not going to comment on these guys but make your own mind up. They have a listing on Ebay stating 100 gpd Dow membrane then below that call it a Hidrotek membrane. On their website state takes out 99% of solids, this is a world leader or miss leading comment as this is made in China. The best quality membranes only take out 98% !!!

If it has the Dowex membrane then you have a quality membrane, if not then hence reason for your rejection rate sitting at 6% if it is coming out at 022 after the membrane.

3 years later and it appears they are still advertising this as the most efficient membrane manufactured.

It reminds me of the old sales response. The bitterness of poor quality will be remembered long after the joy of a low price.

Heres another cheap membrane advertised by the Window Cleaning Warehouse.


At least they have the balls to tell you it only removes 80 to 85% of the dissolved solids in the water. They don't make untrue claims.

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Thanks pal I’ve got the ro housing and bought the 20 inch twin spectrum prefilter unit with gauges in from gardiner so just need the membrane now, I’ve seen this one on eBay https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F401397798849

the guy reckons it’s about 15% less production but better quality water produced apparently?
Alarm bells would be ringing with someone who has a knowledge of membranes "better water quality" . People who have no knowledge get duped by these rouge traders. Looking at it I think it's rated at 225 psi which is of no use

I got it on the Black Friday offer they had on, I wasn’t intending on buying it bsck in November with all the other bits I need to buy to build the system but with the offer they had I thought may as well.

so I’ve spent £240 on the hf5, £30 for a used champ housing and £80 for a spectrum twin 20” prefilter housing up to now.

still need the John guest push fit plumbing and want a twin TDS reader before I plumb it in, I got a twin 11 ltr Di so I’m just gonna take 1 of them out the van and use 1 to polish the resin off.

im hoping the ro will take it down to single figure ppm so the resin lasts ages!!!
