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Extra di vessel


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Hi i am using two di vessels at the moment, Just had to change my first one as my tds went to 2 .It was pulling it from 90 to 50 then the second from 50 to 2 .Would there be much of a benefit in getting a third one ??? so it would be from say 90 to 50 to 2 to 0 .As its seem a waste to throw out resin that still has a bit of life in it still . hope you understand what I'm getting as , Cheers G

Hi i am using two di vessels at the moment, Just had to change my first one as my tds went to 2 .It was pulling it from 90 to 50 then the second from 50 to 2 .Would there be much of a benefit in getting a third one ??? so it would be from say 90 to 50 to 2 to 0 .As its seem a waste to throw out resin that still has a bit of life in it still . hope you understand what I'm getting as , Cheers G
Is this your first time using twin DI? If so, swap them round. The vessel nearest your tap will need the resin replacing and moving away from the input tap, the other vessel needs to go next to your input tap.

Is this your first time using twin DI? If so, swap them round. The vessel nearest your tap will need the resin replacing and moving away from the input tap, the other vessel needs to go next to your input tap.
cheers tuffers

Yes i do this already have been for the last three years .When i checked the first one from the tap the tds was 50 .If i had a third di vessel it would pull it down with less effort and should hopefully last longer and get full use out of the resin .
