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What would you charge for this solar panel clean ???


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If you had total travel time of 50 muinits  and were asked to clean theses 9 panels what would you charge ?? The customer had a quote from clean clear solar  solutions (solar Steve ??) guess what he quoted her and I have the email proof of his pricing makes very interesting reading ???





The written quote was for £775 plus vat ????, it took me 20 muinits to clean .
Did that include buying the scaffold tower???? That price was taking the mickey big time, can't believe anyone would pay that even more surprised someone has the balls to quote that high.

Did that include buying the scaffold tower???? That price was taking the mickey big time, can't believe anyone would pay that even more surprised someone has the balls to quote that high.
I couldn’t believe it either until she printed off the emails and gave me copies ???? . No scaffold tower needed did the lot from the ground using extream 35 

Same question, how much would you charge to vacuum out these gutters?

Using my Atom it took me and my oppo 3hrs, and 9 YES NINE poles conected to reach the high gutters!

We lifted over 100kg of 'Turf' from these.

We were privvy like @Pjj to a copy of the other firms quote which was £12,500.00 and was gonna need scaffold up for 5days! ???


Them solar panels would be my minimum SP charge £60. £80 at a push if i couldnt tie it in with another local to there job
