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doug atkinson

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From Ebay listing Water Fed Window Cleaning Telescopic Pole Brush Trolley WFP CASH System


The Amazing Money Making Secret Of A Desperate Window Cleaner!”

Dear Friend,

As you can see, I have numerous window cleaning ‘Item Phrases’ in this auction listing.

Why have I done this? For two reasons:

1) This message is very important and I needed some way to make sure it would catch your attention.

2) And secondly, since this message is about an amazing easy way to get more customers for your window cleaning business than you ever thought possible, I thought using various window cleaning searched for ‘items’ as an "eye-catcher" was a good idea.

Here's what it's all about:

In June of 2010, my wife and I went to Porthminster St Ives Cornwall on a 2 week holiday, and one afternoon while sipping ice cool beers sitting in comfy rattan seats overlooking the glorious golden sandy beach and experiencing the wonderful sea air, …we got chatting to a friendly couple from London.

And like us the couple were in there late 40’s …so we had a lot in common, anyway Richard the husband of his wife (Anne) was extremely generous, I mean they would insist on paying for round after round of drinks, and tip heavily, the waitresses loved them!

I felt a bit embarrassed… because even though I wanted to pay for a round of drinks, Richard insisted he pay, I also felt envious, wishing how I could spend, spend…spend… without the need to worry about money.

See the thing is, I had started a window cleaning business because of a redundancy, however I could barely scrape a living out of it… I mean this was our first holiday in four years, and we still had to watch the pennies, how humiliating can that be!

Anyway Richard had money, judging by his shiny Rolls-Royce, also he and Anne were holidaying for 3 months, their generosity was extraordinary, they even took us on daily sightseeing excursions…and they didn’t have a care in the world.

After a couple of days, I asked Richard what he did for a living, and to my astonishment he was a window cleaner, however unlike me, he was now retired & wealthy!

I asked if he had a huge window cleaning company, to be able to retire at a relatively young age, and he answered no, not really, Richard said…

He started his own window cleaning as a one man band, after listening to a boozed-up ‘windy’ at the local pub brag about the amount of money he was making, Richard at the time had an office admin job at the local council, however he hated it.

Richard looked into the window cleaning biz, and sure enough it was lucrative, and luckily for Richard, the local council where he worked had their windows cleaned once a month…

So when the ‘windy’ Tom was at his place of work, Richard studied Tom’s traditional way of cleaning windows, and then practiced on his own windows at home.

While still fully employed at the local council, Richard started advertising & canvassing his new window cleaning business, and started to get window cleaning work which he did over the weekends, within nine months Gary quit his office job to clean windows full-time.

During the next several years Richard was content working for himself, and loved the fact that he now made 40% more than his old salary, plus he had the freedom of no nagging boss!

One summer during a barbeque party Richard met an elderly business man (George), and George turned out to be very interesting, as George had started three business and they all proved very successful, and during their conversation that went on into the evening…

George shared a secret that 99% of business people do not know, and told Richard to try it in his window cleaning business.

It wasn’t until the following spring that Richard finally tried the secret that George told him about, and wow …was Richard glad he did, because the secret was so effective and easy at getting new customers, Richard decided to expand, employ and train 6 new guys as window cleaners.

Within five years Richard was able to sell his business and retire RICH!

As YOU can imagine I was desperate to know what this mysterious secret was for getting new customers so easily, Richard simply told me once he got to know me he would reveal the secret, in the meantime as he laughed out in his strong London accent … just enjoy your holiday!

On the last evening before we were to return home to Berkshire, we had dinner with Richard & Anne, later at the bar, after a few drinks… Richard went on to reveal the SECRET behind the success of his former window cleaning business…

Once back home, I was so excited … I immediately put the secret to the test, the first test I did was a small test costing me £30.

And within a week, I had got 7 calls!

I was absolutely GOBSMACKED…could barely believe it!

But then…Emm, I thought …surely this has to be some fluke, so did another test costing the same £30 and this time I got 5 calls.

The curiosity got the better of me so the following week did the same test again and got 9 calls!

The week after that I did a £60 test and received 16 calls, boy was I enjoying these results, and just to prove that this system was successful, I continued to use it until I could no longer take any more work (I was now working six full days a week)

Here’s the results:

The four original tests cost £150 and produced 37 new customers that paid me £925.

Now bear in mind that I charge £25 per/house all windows cleaned, front & rear of house.

Out of the 37 new customers, 35 customers have signed up for regular repeat cleaning, usually once a month. That is an extra £875 per month, £10,500 per year! AND 92% of my new customers stay with me.

And…by the way, the above results have been pretty consistent from using this system long term. And this secret system is EASY and has nothing to do with:

  • · Google Search

  • · Adwords

  • · SEO

  • · Facebook

  • · YouTube

  • · Social Media Sites

  • · Or any internet method – as these can change their rules/algorithms overnight!

  • · Canvassing Company

  • · Door Knocking

Oh and One more thing, it’s important. This secret customer getting system can ONLY be used by window cleaners who use the Water-Fed-Pole System (WFP) AND this secret customer getting system is EVERGREEN, meaning it will work for a life-time as long as the water-fed-pole system is here to stay.

Anyway, fast forward to today…

And the other evening my wife mentions …why not make this system available to other window cleaners, who may be struggling to get customers.

After all she said, you can make the system available to anyone in the UK, except where we live, I thought …good idea!

So here we have a PROVEN system for getting new customers for your window cleaning business, and will make this system available only to a select few, and this will be at a cost of: £497.00 …AND that is peanuts compared with the amount of new window cleaning customers this can bring YOU.

However, before I can promote this secret customer getting system, I need 5 testimonials from window cleaners that this system works, and that the ‘CUSTOMER GETTING’ response is off the charts!

So here is an incredible offer for YOU …as long as you don’t live in Windsor – Berkshire, Grab this system package right now at the super low price of just £77.00

But remember to get this incredible deal, you must be willing to give me a written testimonial once you get your fabulous results from this system package.

She Laughed When I Began This Secret Customer Getting System… But When I Started Getting A Deluge Of Calls…

When I first started to use this system my wife chuckled, she was even sceptical, but I told her it’s not going to break the bank trying, I really had nothing to lose, only gain some much needed customers, and thankfully I did as instructed, and literary… CLEANED UP! (No pun intended)

And now it’s your turn!

Listen, it could take you years and can cost you a small fortune to figure out just the right combinations that make this Secret Customer Getting Program work so well…

YOU don’t have to spend years and YEARS leaning the art of all sorts of marketing methods… instead of knocking yourself out trying to come up with just the right system, YOU can have it right NOW inside a new product called: “Window Cleaning Secret Cash System”

Here’s what You’ll get:

“Window Cleaning Secret Cash System”

CD with all the files.

Life-time licence (paper document) in your full name for this system package. (You can ONLY use this information for yourself – you cannot sell, share or give away this information to anyone.

An instruction manual/pdf of me explaining why and how this system works so well. This you really need to understand because even if you saw the system, you probably wouldn’t know the psychology of why it works so well, and this is a good thing in a way…why?

Let’s say your competitor saw this system they too wouldn’t have a clue why it works so well and why you are now ‘Cleaning Up’ BIG TIME with so many new customers.

The competitor will have no idea the extra customers you are pulling in is down to this system, simply because 99% of business owners do not understand the power of this SECRET system!

Two hours skype or telephone (0748 245 6988) consultation, so we can discuss getting your details into this system and any other questions you may have.

AND a … Iron Clad 60 Day GUARANTEE!

If you don’t get at least 5 new customers from this system on its first small ‘test’ (a small test can cost £30 or you can have the same test done for as low as £5 I’ll explain in the manual) I’ll refund you!

Why am I offering such a generous guarantee? Well I know for a fact that this system works, simply because the lowest response I got was 5 new customers per £30 spend, AND the highest was 9! These are the average customers I got using this system over a four month period.

Actually you are getting this system FREE, how?

If you charge £25 per clean, you only have to get 4 more new customers than what you are using presently to get customers.

Even if you live in a part of the UK, where you can only charge £15 per full house window clean, you only need an extra 7 new customers, and this secret system has paid for its self!

However why charge £15 when you can immediately increase the price to £20, HOW? Because YOU now have a totally unique system that NO other window cleaner has on your patch.

Look, you must be a professional window cleaner, simply because you are reading this AND must know that competing on price is a ‘mugs’ game. If you do an EXCELLENT job of cleaning windows, then you can charge the top price. And the only way to get top prices is by using this secret system.

To Get More Customers Simply Click the ‘Buy It Now’ Button NOW!

Thanks for reading my message, and whatever you decide, here’s wishing you the best of luck for your business future.

Warmest Regards,


P.S. Anyone can start a window cleaning business, you only have to look at a few tutorials on YouTube, and then practise on your own windows. The HARDEST part is getting the customers!

P.P.S. I’m only looking for 10 testimonials, so HURRY act NOW so you don’t miss out on this steal of a deal. Once 5 systems are gone they’re gone! NEVER to be repeated at this low price again.

P.P.P.S. Your time is valuable; spend it wisely making more money cleaning windows, instead of wasting time knocking on doors. Let the “Window Cleaning Secret Cash System” do the work of getting more new customers calling YOU!


He has another listing now removed :-

Hello and welcome to my website! My name is Robert and I am the proprietor of ‘blocked drains Slough’

I clear all types of blocked drains, whether you have a blocked sink, blocked toilet, blocked bath or a blocked outside drain, I am here to help YOU!

Blocked Drains Slough, is based in central slough and I cover the whole slough area.

I Guarantee to Unblock Your Drain or YOU Pay Nothing!

If you have a blocked drain in Slough, then Call Now on the following numbers:

I will NOT charge You a call out fee, in addition my prices are the lowest in the industry, the prices are FIXED, there is NO VAT or charging you by the half hour in addition to a fee already quoted as some company’s do.


NOTE: I DO NOT repair blocked drains any longer. I ONLY work on marketing.

Therefore this website and ALL the online marketing including face book page and all YouTube videos are for sale as a COMPLETE marketing package.

The price is just £195.00 Very cheap YOU could get this back in 1 or 2 jobs from the calls that I get from this site. This price includes me editing this sites wording to your requirements. Absolute bargain! CALL NOW or email, contact details below.

MOB: 0748 245 6988

Email: [email protected]

earlier on in the advert he asked for five written testimonials,then at the end he's asking for ten written testimonials,if the secret is that good and he can work the numbers why make a simple mistake like that?

Sounds like a great way for someone to make money ..I'll leave you to work out who!

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If he makes so much why isn't he VAT registered? Or has he a secret way of making £80k a year without overheads or the need for living costs?

Here's the secret......Talk to people. If you convert 1 in 10 and speak to 1000 people that's 100 new customers

Sent from my iPad using Window Cleaning Forums


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