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When would you bring equipment in or put a radiator in Van?


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Well-known member
South Oxfordshire
In my location the forecast is going to an overnight low of 0 degrees at 6am.

Then at 8am it will be -1...

Then rising to 2 and 3 degrees during the day. Sooooo

Would you be bringing in equipment overnight or putting a oil filled radiator in van?

Is it cold enough? 

When would you? 

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-1 shouldnt be too bad but you cant be sure thats the exact temp it could be lower not worth the risk if it is lower pump housings are plastic and most fittings  as well they will crack .if you can put heater on I would i have been caught out in the past weather men said -1 ended up -5 cracked pump .

Thanks guys 

My water is all ready connected part timer I think. 

If I don't keep the tap closed on pole hose I seem to get a little seepage?
