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hello I set up my own window cleaning business Pure water system I have a question where can I find companies or private individuals who need window cleaning Are there any applications or websites where people advertise that they need services?

Best way of finding individuals that need window cleaning is to knock on doors and ask. As for companies I’m not so sure as the very small amount of commercial work I have has fallen in my lap; I’ve never looked for commercial. You could also try a lead generation company.

hello I set up my own window cleaning business Pure water system I have a question where can I find companies or private individuals who need window cleaning Are there any applications or websites where people advertise that they need services?
Sorry but you 'setup a window cleaning company' without any idea on how to get customers??? I'm not trying to rain on your parade but how far have you got? Have you registered as self employed with HMRC, do you have liability insurance, what kit do you have, are you producing your own Pure, do you have a pricing structure, have you practices cleaning windows, so many things to consider but gaining customers has to be the most important one.

Have you tried googling 'window cleaners near me'? That will give you an idea of competition. Some people advertise on Facebook, Google Ads, CheckATrade etc...

Przepraszam, ale „założyłeś firmę zajmującą się myciem okien” bez żadnego pomysłu, jak zdobyć klientów? Nie próbuję padać na twoją paradę, ale jak daleko zaszedłeś? Czy zarejestrowałeś się jako samozatrudniony w HMRC, czy masz ubezpieczenie od odpowiedzialności cywilnej, jaki posiadasz zestaw, czy produkujesz własny Pure, czy masz strukturę cenową, czy ćwiczysz mycie okien, tak wiele rzeczy do rozważenia, ale pozyskiwanie klientów ma być najważniejszym.

Czy próbowałeś wygooglować „urządzenia do czyszczenia okien w pobliżu”? To da ci wyobrażenie o konkurencji. Niektórzy reklamują się na Facebooku, Google Ads, CheckATrade itp...
Yes, I have my own company that washes windows for private persons, I have a car adapted to this, I invested a lot of money for itbut are there any websites or a customer acquisition application? I'm a registered company but I just have a question if there is such a thing 

I assume you mean commercial work ?? There are websites that contain commercial work that comes up for  tender , but from my experience generally they want to pay rock bottom prices , once you get a foot hold with a few bigger companies or management companies then the work comes to you rather than you chasing it . With respect I don’t  think you can do this kind of work out of your car . 

Zakładam, że masz na myśli pracę komercyjną? Są strony internetowe , które zawierają prace komercyjne , które są zgłaszane do przetargu , ale z mojego doświadczenia wynika , że generalnie chcą płacić najniższe ceny , gdy zdobędziesz stopę z kilkoma większymi firmami lub firmami zarządzającymi , praca przychodzi do ciebie , a nie do ciebie . to . Z całym szacunkiem, nie sądzę, że można wykonywać tego rodzaju prace bez samochodu. 
I have a van adapted to Pure water all filters for making water at home, everything is ready for everything, but I just want to find out where I can advertise for the tender or find more customers Thank you for your answer

It isn’t an instant process you have to build domestic customers slowly via internet platforms door knocking leaflet dropping or speaking to people in the street 

Tendering for commercial jobs with no experience is not a ideal route to take to tell the truth , especially using a car as your work vehicle you will not be able to carry enough water to finish a job

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I can't say I had any joy from Bark myself  but I never bought credits of them, they just sent me free leads because no one responded to their advert and if they cant source a contractor it makes Bark look bad.

They all wanted jobs completing to low prices so I gave them a miss.

hello I set up my own window cleaning business Pure water system I have a question where can I find companies or private individuals who need window cleaning Are there any applications or websites where people advertise that they need services?
Reading this forum would be a beneficial start to find all the information you need

I can't say I had any joy from Bark myself  but I never bought credits of them, they just sent me free leads because no one responded to their advert and if they cant source a contractor it makes Bark look bad.

They all wanted jobs completing to low prices so I gave them a miss.
A bunch of cowboys were telling me to get on Bark as it was free. I am not a fan of free sites because you don't need to pay which attracts the undesirables.

Hi mate, 

There are many ways to gather customers, it all depends on you as a person as to which method of gathering them would work best. The first many of us use to gather work is via canvassing, which is when you go from door to door asking if people need a window cleaner. This is the best method in my opinion because you can pick the exact houses and customers you want and build a nice, compact round. The downsides to this, however, is that you need to be good at talking to people and selling your services; I am guessing from your posts above that English isn't your first language so this may be more difficult for you depending on how well you speak the language? Only you can answer this.

Secondly, there's leaflet dropping. Almost the same as canvassing except rather than actually talking to the customers, you simply put a leaflet through their letterbox with all of your details etc and they will contact you. 

Thirdly, there's advertising. I don't do much of this but basically you advertise your services via Facebook, Google, Checkatrade, whatever and people come to you from there.

And finally, there's ways and means of buying work. You can hire a canvasser to go out and find the work for you, but this is expensive and there's a lot of scammers out there. Or you can buy work from an established window cleaner which again, is expensive.

Best of luck!
