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Winter Gloves


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What gloves are you guys thinking of using this winter. I have been using sealskinz for the past few years. They are okay, but don't seem to stay waterproof for long.

Anyone tried the glacier glove?

Sealskins are rubbish, and they certainly don't stand up to wfp, the only half decent ones they do are the ones with leather palms but even then the stitching lets them down.

Sealskins did me proud last year. They kept my hands warm and dry most of the winter, apart from when it was really really cold. They are also a nice tight fit...ideal for trad cleaning. You do have to be careful with the waterproof membrane within the glove. It can easily pierce if you start doing a job like gardening whilxt wearing them. Once pierced, they are no longer waterproof.

il have to get some proper gloves i had a pair of unger neoprene last winter and what a waste of money ,after a few days use the holes started to appear

Think I'm gonna try the glacier glove this year and see how I get on. They are neoprene water proof, which hopefully means the water will just run off them.

The sealskinz are okay, but when they get wet, they stay wet as the outer layer is made of material. This make is annoying when trying to detail, as you tend to through a lot of scrims.

£1 magic gloves with latex gloves over them.. Also £1 land sell hand warmers, heat them up in micro before you leave keep them in your pocket and use to warm ur hands up..

I was at the local market last week and picked up a few pairs of gloves for gutter cleaning, they are like the bricklayers gloves, rubber on 1 side, material on other and tried them doing windows and they were not bad and still good for scrimming

£1 magic gloves with latex gloves over them.. Also £1 land sell hand warmers, heat them up in micro before you leave keep them in your pocket and use to warm ur hands up..

I was at the local market last week and picked up a few pairs of gloves for gutter cleaning, they are like the bricklayers gloves, rubber on 1 side, material on other and tried them doing windows and they were not bad and still good for scrimming
Ive done that before! lol I woiuldny use hand warmers though. Its like getting in the van on a cold day turning the heating up full, then jumping back out after 5-10 mins. You wil just end up feeling colder. When I get cold. I prefer to stay that way, Its hard to explain. I dont like warming up, then cooling freezing down again

Also more likely to get a cold of you keep changing temp.

Better to just wrap up warm and drive with window in van open a tiny bit and leave heating alone lol
