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"Bee Poo" - The little stubborn yellow spots.....


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Well-known member
West Midlands
Was at jobs today plastered in those yellow spots ; i've never worked out what they are but just done some research and i reckon it's Bee poo!  Apparently they re trace their steps to the nest which is why some windows are covered and others not.

Anyway any ideas on a quick way to get these off?  My method so far is to soap them, then either use a finger nail (not so sure about this now i know what it is lol), or a slightly damp scrim just covering my finger, it gets it off but takes ages so any suggestions welcome. ......

Was at jobs today plastered in those yellow spots ; i've never worked out what they are but just done some research and i reckon it's Bee poo!  Apparently they re trace their steps to the nest which is why some windows are covered and others not.
Anyway any ideas on a quick way to get these off?  My method so far is to soap them, then either use a finger nail (not so sure about this now i know what it is lol), or a slightly damp scrim just covering my finger, it gets it off but takes ages so any suggestions welcome. ......
A good scrapper, will
get it off in seconds

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I was going to start a thread asking if anyone knows what the yellow/orange marks are I've been getting all over the windows this month. That article says it's bee poo, but I've even had them on the insides! It's also coincided with spider season as they're everywhere this month so wondering if there's a link.

I've just started using on of those plastic scrapers that fits on the brush. Pretty good but would be better with an abrasive pad on it. Makes life easier on some windows.

But yeh on downstairs windows I'm a finger nail guy also. 

Come to think of it I was buying my nails last night. 

I thought it was spider poo but I wet with applicator then rub with finger nail . If it was bee poo wouldn't my sandwiches taste of honey afterwards .

Get bee turds,spider,flies and every other sort on windows. The yellow ones are bees though.
I usually scrub with porcupine,use scraper,finger nail etc. But was thinking of buying a bronze wool pad and trying it.
Also think hot water would shift it faster,so maybe a flask on pouch on belt for bad ones?

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A weak (20/1) Ubix mix melts it right off. 

It is actually pollen - due to the way the bees harvest it it is sticky as all hell however a direct squire with Ubix or even just add some to your regular mix and problem solved, no scraping or scrubbing. 

ive tryed ubik tfr screwfix degerser  and none tuched them ?and i gluged a load in the bucket to these are a big problim in my area 

Totally agree Tench ubik didn't touch it with out using a scraper aswell. I've got a whole road which suffers really bad and it's always on the gable end window too so makes cleaning the window even harder cause of the alley way. Got to the point now I use an old Gardiner pole (red) use a Gardiner plastic scraper with the non scratch pad attached and keep it in the van. I've found if you just wet the window with out looking for the yellow marks there so easy to miss so now I have a quick glance for them then get my scraper pole out. I did a conservatory inside and out on the particular road i mentioned and it was covered in then as usual so I used my finger nail to scrape them all off and cleaned the glass wfp, when I went to do the inside nearly all of the yellow marks had still left a stain on the glass when dried they really are a pain just lucky my customer agreed with me and knows how hard i work to get rid of them. 


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