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Self cleaning glass


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J and S

Well-known member
Got a FSG and conservatory clean to do in a couple of weeks, the conny roof is self cleaning glass.

There is a badly green window above it....would TFR dripping down onto it affect the glass?

Same with the finials would TFR running of it do damage?

What would be best to use as an alternative if so?

You could just go in to the house, hang out the window & scrub at the frames. That’s often a good choice. I had a similar job the other day. Used screwfix no nonsense degreaser instead of ubik as it states it can be used on glass (whether that includes self cleaning i dont know) the run off/dripping didn’t cause any issues and i didn’t use it on the conny roof itself just in case. Smells a lot less horrible than ubik too.
Apparently virosol is ok for self cleaning glass but i just use washing up liquid. Its not worth the potential comeback. £100 clean or a lot more replacing panels right ?‍♂️

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Screwfix no nonsense degreaser works a charm, foams up something rotten but rinsed off easily enough.. give the glass a good soaking before spraying or however you apply it... self cleaning glass has a coating that stops bird **** setting like concrete so doesn't need more than a good soak and a scrub no need for harsh chems.. just my 10pence worth ?

I'm beginning to realise that before we clean anything, it is better to wet it and then begin to apply cleaner. I used the degreaser on my solar panels and they are working a treat. Now I understand why the solar farms are getting them cleaned every 6 months. The degreaser is good because it doesn't stain or damage anything including the glass.

Virosol is not ok for self cleaning glass, nor is washing up liquid.... Its really temperamental (the glass that is). I have a customer that has self cleaning glass, previous windy was trad and used fairy liquid on it. Basically she has what looks like a circular oil patch on one of the windows now.

Personally I wouldn't risk the drip down. There is a list of safe chemicals to use with Pilkington Activ;


Click the technical update document and it's at the end. That is of course assuming it is Pilkington Activ glass, not sure if there are other manufacturers out there? Never really questioned it before to be honest.

I'm beginning to realise that before we clean anything, it is better to wet it and then begin to apply cleaner. I used the degreaser on my solar panels and they are working a treat. Now I understand why the solar farms are getting them cleaned every 6 months. The degreaser is good because it doesn't stain or damage anything including the glass.
This post is about self cleaning glass though... Am I missing something here? Everyone seems to be cool with just dropping chemicals on self cleaning glass ?

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To be honest i’ve used Lidls w5 platinum washing up liquid for the last 4 years on conny roofs of all types. Never had a comeback or anything go wrong whatsoever. The circular oil stain you speak of may actually be bird poo related? I had a window the other day where the white pvc was tinted slightly orange even after it had been cleaned as standard. Dont know what that bird was eating but its poo was literally eating in to the plastic it seemed

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To be honest i’ve used Lidls w5 platinum washing up liquid for the last 4 years on conny roofs of all types. Never had a comeback or anything go wrong whatsoever. The circular oil stain you speak of may actually be bird poo related? I had a window the other day where the white pvc was tinted slightly orange even after it had been cleaned as standard. Dont know what that bird was eating but its poo was literally eating in to the plastic it seemed
The customer tells me it appeared 24 hours after the last window cleaner had left (or at least thats when she spotted it) To be honest your advice sounds like the lad at the pub encouraging someone to drink drive because they've never been caught... If someone ruins a self cleaning roof with a bit of degreaser they could end up footing the bill, its a simple as that.

I'm talking about playing it safe. I have a frame for my water tank but I also put ratchet straps on.... Why? Because it isn't worth the risk... may not seem connected but its the same principal. For the sake of getting a bit of moss off a window is it really worth the risk? Your public liability isn't coming to the rescue here as they will have asked if you will use all chemicals in line with the manufacturers recommendations and simply put you won't have.

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About 2 years ago I cleaned a dirty con Roof, used a strong tfr mix on a sunny mild day, anyway like most roofs took ages to clean, came out pretty good some specs up close but from inside looked nice. After packing up & charting to the customer she said “yeh it’s that’s self cleaning glass, but not very self cleaning” I looked nervously up again, couldn’t see any marks or stains, kept my mouth shut and left asap. Since then Im careful and wouldn’t use chemicals on self cleaning again. Ideally wouldn’t even use them near the roof.

I do understand what you’re saying and it makes sense, thanks for putting your point across. I’m just speaking from my experiences and trying to give a decent input that’s all ?‍♂️
As regards the lad down the pub comment, i don’t think that was necessary. I don’t go to the pub, & as it happens drink next to nothing.
The way i see it we are all here to give each other advice and help the best we can. When i ask a question on here and various people give their answers, they are never going to be the same, but i appreciate them all.

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I do understand what you’re saying and it makes sense, thanks for putting your point across. I’m just speaking from my experiences and trying to give a decent input that’s all ?‍♂️
As regards the lad down the pub comment, i don’t think that was necessary. I don’t go to the pub, & as it happens drink next to nothing.
The way i see it we are all here to give each other advice and help the best we can. When i ask a question on here and various people give their answers, they are never going to be the same, but i appreciate them all.
No offence meant chap, just using it as an analogy not a representation of your character. If i'm honest i'm finding this thread infuriating as so many people are going on about using chemicals on it.... The comparison was meant in the sense that if someone wants to risk something then thats on them, I don't feel that should then be shared as advice. Imagine a newbie comes on here looking for advice and thinks hmmm.... Well Scottish Cleaning Service, Incheck and Cottonlung all say its alright and it says Scottish is a guru (Mainly because he wants to p1ss Steve Garwood off ?).... Off he plods, ruins a roof and is on judge Rinder next month being asked for 5k for a new conny roof... Thats all really.

Personally I wouldn't risk the drip down. There is a list of safe chemicals to use with Pilkington Activ;


Click the technical update document and it's at the end. 

Interesting, fairy used to be on the list of approved cleaners but it isn't now. I started doing a job about 8 years ago where they had activ coat (fitted around 15 years ago) and they had a manual that I had to read before cleaning them.

That included a list of approved cleaners but they seem to have reduced it a bit nowadays looking at the online list. Maybe they were getting problems with some of them? There isn't anything really aggressive on the list now so maybe stronger chem's  damage the TiO2 coating. Interestingly the manual also mentioned the use of rubber squeegees was not recommended.

I'd love to find an effective cleaner to use as the second part of the site will be ready for me to start cleaning it soon (after a 15 year build..) and they're gonna be very bad! I don't want to risk ruining them though (assuming they aren't already ruined from not being cleaned and being on a building site for 15 years)

If it’s only green algae your removing then just at use water. You will have to let it soak a little and scrub a bit more but the time used to apply chems and rinse them off will compensate that plus no risk to glass underneath. Most of the chems mentioned above are degreasers and from my experience may help to agitate the algae but are a waste of time and money and just plain water will give the same results.

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Would imagine water is fine seeing as it rains on it and is ok.

Thanks for all replies will just use pure to do window above and finials and explain to customer my problem if it don't come up too good.

4.4 List of Approved Cleaning Agents

Supplier and brandname

3M Scotch-Weld cleaner spray

Ajax 3-Fach Aktiv

Ajax Antistatic

Ajax Citrofrisch

Ajax Fete Des Fleurs

Ajax Glass Universal Double Action

Ajax Glasrein Zitro-Frisch

Ajax Kristall

Ajax Streak Free Professional Glass Cleaner

Ajax Tip-Top

Ajax Window Cleaner

Bluesky glass cleaner

Bluesky Sky Shield

Bohle Glasreiniger BO 5107800

CIF Window Wipes

Cleani Glass Universal

Cosmofen 10 and 20 (with water rinse)

Decra Clean

Denk Mit Glasreiniger

Domol Glasklar

Elite Force 2000 UPVC Cleaner

Elite Force Extra Strength

Ettore Squeegee Off (concentrate)

Fenosol S10 (For PVC)

Frosch Spiritus Glas-Reiniger

Graffiti Wipes (Ritec International)

Gunge Wipes (Ritec International)

HG glazenwasser, HG le lave vitre des Pros

HG window cleaner, HG Fensterputzer

Innotec Easy Clean

Kent Glas Kleen 40-1 Superkonzentrat

Kent Glas Kleen Netoie Vitres

Kent Rotanium Soft Surface Cleaner (article No.


Kent Surface Cleaner (article No: 83926)

Kristall Fenster

Mr Muscle Window Cleaner

Nationwide Glass Cleaner

Nova Window Cleaner

Ritec Glass Cleaner


Brand names of Sidolin cleaners from Henkel:

~ Sidolin 2 Phasen (DE)

~ Sidolin Streifenfrei Aktivschaum (DE)

~ Sidolin Streifenfrei Cristal (DE)

~ Sidolin Streifenfrei Zitrus-Frisch (DE)

~ Instanet Ruiten / Instanet Ruiten Citron (B, NL)

~ Clin Windows / Clin Universal (Austria, Eastern Europe)

~ Bref Vitre / Bref Vitre Citron (F)

~ Bref Multiuso (IT)

~ Tenn Crystales e Superficies / Tenn Multiusos (S)

~ Sonasol Vidros / Sonasol Vidos e Superficies (Pt)

~ Sidolin Christal

~ Sidolin Zitrus

Safeway Vecta Window Cleaner

Spontex Glass Wipes

Spray Clean Glass Universal

Sure Chemicals Ltd

- Premier Exterior Cleaner (Purple)

Product code: SF THO 03

- Premier Exterior Cleaner (Red)

Product code: SO24

- Premier Interior Cleaner

Product code: SF THO 02

[1 part cleaner to 20 parts water]

- Acidic Glass Cleaner 584 / 585

UVTek Professtional Glass Cleaner

Wilko Window Cleaner

Wurth Cleaners

Active glass cleaner (No. 890.25)

Ready diluted glass cleaner (No. 892.332.840)

Cleaner Type 10 (No. 892.100.10)

Cleaner Type 20 (No. 892.100.11)

Available from:-

Winzer Würth Industrial Ltd, Catteshall

Lane,Godalming,Surrey,GU7 1NP

Tel; 01483 412800Fax; 01483 412805

E-mail; [email protected]

Zack Glasreiniger


The use of silicone removers / abrasive cleaners on Pilkington Activ™ is considered as a remedial action which

should only be undertaken after consultation with the NSG Group Technical Advisory Service. Due to the nature of

these materials, work should only be undertaken after reading the manufacturers' relevant safety literature. NSG

Group cannot guarantee the effectiveness of the treatment or the effect the treatment will have on the coating as

this will be severely affected by factors outside NSG Group’s control, for example the nature and amount of the


The use of silicone eaters will not solve the problem if the original source of contamination is still present.

Di Aqua Forte Silicone Eater

Radora Brillant Fensterglanz – Slightly Abrasive -Contact: Klaus Messmer + 497531 7 71 36

Ettore Squeegee Off (concentrate) is on there.

Thanks for bringing this tricky subject to our attention. Could have cost us a lot of money.
