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Sum up or izettle card reader


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My brother has sum up as it was on a deal for a £9.99 I have the iZettle fo £19. He is happy with the sum up but would like the extra function of  the iZettle. The charges ar so low you’ll not see any noticeable difference unless you are putting £1000’s through it and even then it will be a very small difference. The iZettle is better in my oppinion but both do a great job. Plus the charges are a deductible on taxes so not a deal breaker.

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My brother has sum up as it was on a deal for a £9.99 I have the iZettle fo £19. He is happy with the sum up but would like the extra function of  the iZettle. The charges ar so low you’ll not see any noticeable difference unless you are putting £1000’s through it and even then it will be a very small difference. The iZettle is better in my oppinion but both do a great job. Plus the charges are a deductible on taxes so not a deal breaker.
What are the extra functions of iZettle dude. I couldn’t see a difference when I purchase mine. Paid £29 for the first one and they recently did a deal where I could get a second for a tenner so I did and popped it away. Hopefully it will be for a second van next year but figured it’s good to have a spare for the sake of a tenner.

As there are no ongoing subscription costs. I have both readers. 

I use the iZettle and it hasn't let me know yet, but I have the sumup reader in the van as a back just in case

The one time it doesn't work, the backup will pay for itself

What are the extra functions of iZettle dude. I couldn’t see a difference when I purchase mine. Paid £29 for the first one and they recently did a deal where I could get a second for a tenner so I did and popped it away. Hopefully it will be for a second van next year but figured it’s good to have a spare for the sake of a tenner.

On the iZettle app it gives a daily and monthly overview of money taken rather than going into the websit account on the Sum up. It’s functions a tad quicker on iPhone don’t know about android, google maps location of where the transaction took place. You can set up a library of prices or services so rather than typing in an amount you press one button. 

On the iZettle app it gives a daily and monthly overview of money taken rather than going into the websit account on the Sum up. It’s functions a tad quicker on iPhone don’t know about android, google maps location of where the transaction took place. You can set up a library of prices or services so rather than typing in an amount you press one button. 
There is all that stuff on the Sum Up reader. Just tried out adding a service and that will probably help me along now, good idea dude. Seems to me the unstoppable force meets the immovable object... they are as good as one another. I've taken a grand on mine over the last couple of months, probably saved £10 or so... not worth writing home about. I do link the physical buttons on the iZettle and its a good shape but I think the Sum up looks sleek and modern. Literally nothing in it!


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