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Gutter Vac Poles


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mark m

Well-known member
I ordered my guttervac poles from http://www.gutterpole.co.uk/index.html he is new to the site on Thursdays and received them Monday so very happy with the service . Much lighter than i thought and seemed to go together well cant wait to use them on my first gutter vac job on Friday which is a small block of flats .

Im thinking of getting these poles. After you have used them can you put a review up or PM what you though about them?

video is already done mate when i got them out of box and second part will be ready over the week end i am the same as you new to the vac game so i am shooting a few easy vac videos lol

What vaccum did you go for mark?
I got a vacuum off ebay numatic 572 twin motor 2400 watts only paid £70 so i was very happy if i get more vac jobs i will invest in a 3000 watt motor but numatics is 5 mile up the road from me so i can get parts easy and i am thinking maybe i could just get bigger motors if it goes well any way that a different story lol

video is already done mate when i got them out of box and second part will be ready over the week end i am the same as you new to the vac game so i am shooting a few easy vac videos lol
Cool, cant wait! I should have mine within 2 weeks.

Few questions...

Will you be using it all the time?

Will you charge more for using the vacuum?

Do you have a generator incase the customer is out?

What sort of prices do you charge?

I got a vacuum off ebay numatic 572 twin motor 2400 watts only paid £70 so i was very happy if i get more vac jobs i will invest in a 3000 watt motor but numatics is 5 mile up the road from me so i can get parts easy and i am thinking maybe i could just get bigger motors if it goes well any way that a different story lol
Now thats a bargin!!!
