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hose before pre-filter blasting off


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Havent had this happen before, strange. Wonder if anyone had the same or knows what it might be. Unfortunately I cant upload pics but basically its just the hose after booster going into the first pre-filter. Started producing as usual, and the hose blasted off away from the pre-filter. tried again, did it again. is working ok now, but ive got the pressure down to about 62 instead of the usual 90 or so. I have had it at 100 before with no issue, so find it a bit confusing what the problem may be.

To be honest, it seems to produce at the same rate/purity at 62 as it did at 90 odd anyway. Just a guess of mine, maybe the membrane is blocking up and so cant take the same pressure as previous? Although if this was the case, surely the tds before di should be getting higher, but its 14 (from tap of 530 which isn't bad) Also the pre-filters are not even a third of their life span yet.

Interesting to hear views or if you had this happen.

One thing It could've been. I was chatting to the landlord and his wife, and may have turned the waste valve too quickly. I usually close it gradually. Multi tasking is a bad thing ?

Not sure if I'm reading your post correctly and also not sure if it would cause your problem, but usually the booster pump is fitted between the last prefilter and the RO. Sounds like your booster is pushing water through the prefilters as well. First time I connected mine up like this it blew through all the seals on the prefilters.

Not sure if I'm reading your post correctly and also not sure if it would cause your problem, but usually the booster pump is fitted between the last prefilter and the RO. Sounds like your booster is pushing water through the prefilters as well. First time I connected mine up like this it blew through all the seals on the prefilters.
I never was too sure but just presumed to put it before the filters, but never had a problem before. Got it up to 70 now and is going ok but previously used to leave it at 90 ish. Like I say, performance seems the same at 70 to what it was at 90. Cheers though mark, next fill up will swap it around, I wasnt too sure which was best. 

Not sure if I'm reading your post correctly and also not sure if it would cause your problem, but usually the booster pump is fitted between the last prefilter and the RO. Sounds like your booster is pushing water through the prefilters as well. First time I connected mine up like this it blew through all the seals on the prefilters.
Ah  just had a look, I set it before the pre-filters as it was easier, not sure how to alter the fittings and that doing it the other way. Think they are john guest with pressure guage between filters and Ro. Should be fine how ive got it though? It really doesnt seem to perform any better over 70psi. I get the same 13 or 14 pre di (from 530 tap) and same rate of production/waste, 2 litres a minute. (its a 40/21 RO)

Always booster pump after last pre-filter 
Looks tricky. wish my camera would upload onto here. On my board, the prefilters are just below the ro, they are john guest tubing, with the pressure gauge half way up. would be hard to fit the booster in there and not sure what tubing etc would be best. Ive been running it like this for year and a half now though. will have to get photo off someones phone and try and upload it.

I never was too sure but just presumed to put it before the filters, but never had a problem before. Got it up to 70 now and is going ok but previously used to leave it at 90 ish. Like I say, performance seems the same at 70 to what it was at 90. Cheers though mark, next fill up will swap it around, I wasnt too sure which was best. 
Not sure of the reason for it. My reasoning was,  ‘if it came out the mains at that pressure the prefilters would have to cope so just hooked it up that way.’ But my mains pressure was down at about 35psi. Booster took it up to 75-80. When I turned it on it was PANIC. Water coming out all over the show. Had to screw the prefilters real tight. It’s much better now I’ve set it just before the RO.

You need to fit the booster after the last prefilter but before the pressure gauge, otherwise the gauge will only tell you your mains pressure.  I think I may have had to purchase one or two fittings to do it because the gauge was connected to a ‘t’ connector on the last prefilter. The ‘t’ connector however, needs to come after the booster for the gauge to work correctly when using a booster.

On the pressure issue, I find that the higher the pressure the RO works at the ratio of waste to pure drops. If you’re on a meter you should notice a drop in you water bill.

Before I used a booster my water bill was huge

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Maybe the prefilters are blocking up with sediment and causing back pressure.
possible, will check. More I think about it though, I think I absent-mindedly closed the waste valve too quick whilst chatting to landlord, and I usually do this gradual. The way that pressure quickly boosts up could've done it, as the usual way I close it slowly seems to work out fine. To be fair, 70/75 seems best psi here, get the same production rate and if too high the tds before di goes up a bit, so will keep an eye.

im Just wondering if the hose has crushed slightly in the hozelock system, or the rubber oring on the male part has worn a little and that is what is causing the issue? Had a similar thing before at my old house on the outside tap (65psi mains pressure).

im Just wondering if the hose has crushed slightly in the hozelock system, or the rubber oring on the male part has worn a little and that is what is causing the issue? Had a similar thing before at my old house on the outside tap (65psi mains pressure).
could be. They're nearly 3 years old now, If I remember rightly I wasnt using them at first for some reason. Use one either side of clear reinforced hose that came with the daqua 40/21. Only used that when I started using a booster about year and half ago when i moved and the pressure was too low.

Looks tricky. wish my camera would upload onto here. On my board, the prefilters are just below the ro, they are john guest tubing, with the pressure gauge half way up. would be hard to fit the booster in there and not sure what tubing etc would be best. Ive been running it like this for year and a half now though. will have to get photo off someones phone and try and upload it.
You don’t have to physically put the booster in there. Leave the booster wherever it is now and change some pipe work round. 

You don’t have to physically put the booster in there. Leave the booster wherever it is now and change some pipe work round. 
Thing is the john guest tubing with the pressure guage half way up, ( this is what the 40/21 comes with) seems so flimsy. But if I used the clear tough tubing ive got going from the booster to the pre filters in its place, i cant see that it would fit or that id be able to fit the pressure gauge coming off it. Im not the most practical minded with things either to be fair. i was more academic but flunked it all with the acid house craze. Id put pics up would show better, but for some reason outlook isnt showing option to upload pics from camera to pc. 


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