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New pump issues


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Hi guys. I have a waterworks system and replaced the pump for the second time recently. 

I'm sure resin initially got into one pump, but now have strainers before and after the pumps (fitted since the replacement pump was fitted). I thought that was broken also, as the water pressure was holding for 2 or 3 seconds then drops for a second an so on...can hear the pump labouring. 

Tonight we have the new one in place but the same issue continues. Any idea what could cause this? Its a double di system and we have been using only resin lately 

System is a year old. Thought maybe split relay or battery but one pump is working well. 

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If you have a 2 pump/controller system then it should be easy to find where the issue is. Swap pumps over and see where the fault goes. If it follows the pump then it points to pump. If the issue stays in the original location it's not the pump! It's a process of swapping things and seeing which swap shows up where the issue is.

Hope that gives you a few ideas.

If you have a 2 pump/controller system then it should be easy to find where the issue is. Swap pumps over and see where the fault goes. If it follows the pump then it points to pump. If the issue stays in the original location it's not the pump! It's a process of swapping things and seeing which swap shows up where the issue is.

Hope that gives you a few ideas.
New pump today 

Sounds like air in the system.
How would you sort that? Bleed it? 

@Chris33I don’t have this type of system yet but are you a member of the window cleaning Facebook groups? Someone on there was having trouble with the pressure dropping last week and it was to do with the strainer being the wrong way up and they also had to calibrate the controller with their pole fully extended rather than collapsed from memory. They put a video on the group page.

Hi guys. I have a waterworks system and replaced the pump for the second time recently. 

I'm sure resin initially got into one pump, but now have strainers before and after the pumps (fitted since the replacement pump was fitted). I thought that was broken also, as the water pressure was holding for 2 or 3 seconds then drops for a second an so on...can hear the pump labouring. 

Tonight we have the new one in place but the same issue continues. Any idea what could cause this? Its a double di system and we have been using only resin lately 

System is a year old. Thought maybe split relay or battery but one pump is working well. 
Don't know if this would help (probably gonna sound like a right noob), but have you tried redoing the auto calibration on the controller? Sounds like what my pump started doing last week when the temperature dropped. Extend the pole full height and then start the auto-cal. 

@Chris33I don’t have this type of system yet but are you a member of the window cleaning Facebook groups? Someone on there was having trouble with the pressure dropping last week and it was to do with the strainer being the wrong way up and they also had to calibrate the controller with their pole fully extended rather than collapsed from memory. They put a video on the group page.
Thanks and I am. Will have a look. Do you know what group it was? 

Don't know if this would help (probably gonna sound like a right noob), but have you tried redoing the auto calibration on the controller? Sounds like what my pump started doing last week when the temperature dropped. Extend the pole full height and then start the auto-cal. 
Sounds a plan it has face-lift controllers how would I auto calibrate? 

Don't know if this would help (probably gonna sound like a right noob), but have you tried redoing the auto calibration on the controller? Sounds like what my pump started doing last week when the temperature dropped. Extend the pole full height and then start the auto-cal. 
That’s a great tip to extend the pole fully before auto cal. Will do that tomorrow. Temperature affected my pressure last week. 

Sounds a plan it has face-lift controllers how would I auto calibrate? 
This is how my pump works, but I believe its the same for all (I use to have a facelift one).

Turn it on. Set pump to 30 (not all need this). Then hold the 'up button' and 'return button' at the same time. It'll take you into calibration. Let go and then hold the 'down button' until it says 'auto (aut)'. Then press the 'return button' and the pump will go full power. Watch it. Eventually it'll settle on a number, thats it calibrated. Press 'enter button' again to leave calibration. 

Make sure any valves are open (univalve, neck value etc) and make sure pole is fully extended and upright.

This is how my pump works, but I believe its the same for all (I use to have a facelift one).

Turn it on. Set pump to 30 (not all need this). Then hold the 'up button' and 'return button' at the same time. It'll take you into calibration. Let go and then hold the 'down button' until it says 'auto (aut)'. Then press the 'return button' and the pump will go full power. Watch it. Eventually it'll settle on a number, thats it calibrated. Press 'enter button' again to leave calibration. 

Make sure any valves are open (univalve, neck value etc) and make sure pole is fully extended and upright.
This is what is was thank you so much mate. Done that and working perfectly now


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