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Are window cleaners still allowed to work during Coronavirus (Covid-19)?


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Yeah people are now being fined for non compliance window cleaning is not considered as one of the essential reasons for leaving home. 

initially it was considered acceptable as we cannot work from home. But not covered by that statement since the legislation came in last night. 

My Dad said to me Remember any idiot can catch this virus! Don’t be an idiot 

I emailed all my customers and only 2 said please leave it for now. However I'm not comfortable going out right now. 

Does anyone know how to claim as a sole trader? I don't have profit as such. I listened to BBC radio 2 and it lead me to believe I will get nothing. Is there any clarification? 

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That is only two days old. Nothing else to say window cleaners etc cannot go to work! So it should stand if not other information would have come out. Print it off, keep it with you if your going to work to show the police should you get stopped.  If in doubt, then don't go to work. 

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When things calm down a bit, maybe the Gov, could establish a sign for our trade n other businesses that can fulfil the requirements of safe distancing. A symbol like 'Gas safe'

My thoughts are a sticker/sign for van n clothing that says 

"  'Keep Safe'Contractor/cleaner",  so if we can go out out certain jobs,that these rules can be applied. So that if someone does take pics/video we are protected from being shamed.  

Online shops open so people can order non essential goods that require delivery drivers that knock on someone's door and deliver the goods, this is allowed. Could the same delivery drivers be directed for food deliveries only which have such a backlog that people feel they cannot use so must go out, of cause they could. Do delivery men have to carry the weight of guilt being applied to people on here that are of far less risk to the public of cause not. A prime minister who does not observe his own social distancing rules catches and transmits the virus to Matt Hancock, then continues to work and get paid while. I must feel guilty for not. This is the biggest double standard I have ever witnessed, the NHS are wonderful and some will pay a high price for this but overs will earn a fortune in overtime and be buying new cars and fancy holidays when this is all over. I have no objection to that but we are not all equal here

When things calm down a bit, maybe the Gov, could establish a sign for our trade n other businesses that can fulfil the requirements of safe distancing. A symbol like 'Gas safe'

My thoughts are a sticker/sign for van n clothing that says 

"  'Keep Safe'Contractor/cleaner",  so if we can go out out certain jobs,that these rules can be applied. So that if someone does take pics/video we are protected from being shamed.  
They said they  were going to review the self isolation after 3 weeks I seem to remember...will find out more then

That is only two days old. Nothing else to say window cleaners etc cannot go to work! So it should stand if not other information would have come out. Print it off, keep it with you if your going to work to show the police should you get stopped.  If in doubt, then don't go to work. 
Quoting The Sun as a point of law to a copper, or anyone for that matter, isn't good practice. 

That is only two days old. Nothing else to say window cleaners etc cannot go to work! So it should stand if not other information would have come out. Print it off, keep it with you if your going to work to show the police should you get stopped.  If in doubt, then don't go to work. 
Police aren't Intrested  in reading anything a friend of mine got stoped yesterday and told to go home if not he would get a fine , we have road blocks stopping every vehicle and asking why and where are you going unless it’s a key worker they are being told to go home  this is continuing today and will be for the foreseable future  

Like I said, if in doubt don't go to work. Window cleaners and gardeners like I said can go to work. I have even see them in our street. Like someone has said, just wear Contract cleaning so others know what you are doing. 

Just a quick up date on my last post just had some friends get stoped by the police in the car going to take there 18 month old and 4 year old out for a walk a mile down the road from where they live , police said you cannot travel to walk you have to walk from your house and not use the car . 

Hi Guys,

We’re all up against this and it’s affecting us all one way or another so the debate on whether to work or not will always divide opinion ...

We need to be supportive & understanding of one another and those around us, many of us may be genuinely worried about the current and future implications that COVID-19 is & will be causing , it will have massive knock on effects to the economy and people’s financial standing overall for many months to come (maybe years?) ...

Guidelines on what to do have been somewhat ‘hazy’ so I believe that common sense must prevail, our job as window cleaners can bring us into contact with customers but most of us are doing the same during this pandemic by contacting our customers and putting safety measures in place regards no contact, sanitising hands before & after, wearing gloves, maybe a mask to cover the mouth. payments made online or left in a secure place ...

If you’re working on your own, driving your own vehicle to and from customers houses etc minimising all contact, resorting to a wave through the window, not speaking to anyone apart from a distant hello then there is no real threat to ourselves or others, but the threat is ever present ...

On the other hand we are told ‘essential travel only’ and ‘stay at home where possible‘, which considering what we’re all going through, reading and witnessing on the news is 100% the right thing to do ...

Why risk it when some are paying the ultimate price? Again this is a dilemma I bet we all think about before heading out each morning? ...

The recent bailout for the self employed will most definitely ease things but only when the £ is in our bank accounts so the next 3 months is a testing time and goes back to the ”shall I shan’t I go to work”? ...

Dont get me wrong i felt guilty as hell this week as I went out for around 2-3 hours each morning to just clean customers windows that we’re happy for me too, I needed to bring in something as I’m the main earner in my household and like us all the bills still need paying!! But by the middle of next week I’ll probably be sat at home! ...

I don’t have the answer to all of this, just to say we should all be respectful of one another and show good will to all, when time’s are tough we need to pull together, we will get through this, albeit a long road to recovery, so I wish each and everyone of you my best and hope that you stay safe & healthy and your families the same.

Keep smiling ?

Hi Guys,

We’re all up against this and it’s affecting us all one way or another so the debate on whether to work or not will always divide opinion ...

We need to be supportive & understanding of one another and those around us, many of us may be genuinely worried about the current and future implications that COVID-19 is & will be causing , it will have massive knock on effects to the economy and people’s financial standing overall for many months to come (maybe years?) ...

Guidelines on what to do have been somewhat ‘hazy’ so I believe that common sense must prevail, our job as window cleaners can bring us into contact with customers but most of us are doing the same during this pandemic by contacting our customers and putting safety measures in place regards no contact, sanitising hands before & after, wearing gloves, maybe a mask to cover the mouth. payments made online or left in a secure place ...

If you’re working on your own, driving your own vehicle to and from customers houses etc minimising all contact, resorting to a wave through the window, not speaking to anyone apart from a distant hello then there is no real threat to ourselves or others, but the threat is ever present ...

On the other hand we are told ‘essential travel only’ and ‘stay at home where possible‘, which considering what we’re all going through, reading and witnessing on the news is 100% the right thing to do ...

Why risk it when some are paying the ultimate price? Again this is a dilemma I bet we all think about before heading out each morning? ...

The recent bailout for the self employed will most definitely ease things but only when the £ is in our bank accounts so the next 3 months is a testing time and goes back to the ”shall I shan’t I go to work”? ...

Dont get me wrong i felt guilty as hell this week as I went out for around 2-3 hours each morning to just clean customers windows that we’re happy for me too, I needed to bring in something as I’m the main earner in my household and like us all the bills still need paying!! But by the middle of next week I’ll probably be sat at home! ...

I don’t have the answer to all of this, just to say we should all be respectful of one another and show good will to all, when time’s are tough we need to pull together, we will get through this, albeit a long road to recovery, so I wish each and everyone of you my best and hope that you stay safe & healthy and your families the same.

Keep smiling ?
Has anyone seen or commented here on the latest Gov Guidelines?  

2. Work carried out in people’s homes

Work carried out in people’s homes, for example by tradespeople carrying out repairs and maintenance, can continue, provided that the tradesperson is well and has no symptoms.

Again, it will be important to ensure that Public Health England guidelines, including maintaining a two-metre distance from any household occupants, are followed to ensure everyone’s safety.

No work should be carried out in any household which is isolating or where an individual is being shielded, unless it is to remedy a direct risk to the safety of the household, such as emergency plumbing or repairs, and where the tradesperson is willing to do so. In such cases, Public Health England can provide advice to tradespeople and households.

No work should be carried out by a tradesperson who has coronavirus symptoms, however mild.

Does anyone know if i should sign up to universal credit now or just wait until June for the self employed help payout. Not sure if one effects the other.

Rishi Sunak stated yesterday that you can receive benefits and still be eligible for the grant.

Good luck with applying though. It’s an absolute nightmare.

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It's true. You might as well right off most of this year! Once the so called lockdown is lifted, it will only flare back up again just like it has in China. We will be back to square one.  2020 will be a mess for self employed people with Covid-19  

I emailed all my customers and only 2 said please leave it for now. However I'm not comfortable going out right now. 

Does anyone know how to claim as a sole trader? I don't have profit as such. I listened to BBC radio 2 and it lead me to believe I will get nothing. Is there any clarification? 
You can only claim if you've submitted a tax return for year 18/19. If you haven't then I believe you will have to apply for UC. 

Has anyone seen or commented here on the latest Gov Guidelines?  

2. Work carried out in people’s homes

Work carried out in people’s homes, for example by tradespeople carrying out repairs and maintenance, can continue, provided that the tradesperson is well and has no symptoms.

Again, it will be important to ensure that Public Health England guidelines, including maintaining a two-metre distance from any household occupants, are followed to ensure everyone’s safety.

No work should be carried out in any household which is isolating or where an individual is being shielded, unless it is to remedy a direct risk to the safety of the household, such as emergency plumbing or repairs, and where the tradesperson is willing to do so. In such cases, Public Health England can provide advice to tradespeople and households.

No work should be carried out by a tradesperson who has coronavirus symptoms, however mild.
The keyword is guidelines not policy/law.

No way has window cleaning as a business gone through the House of Lords in the last few days. All they can do is list guidelines, and if any window cleaner does go out they have covered themselves if there is any come back. ie someone isolating gets coronavirus and takes ill and dies. Who did they catch it off and who do the family vent anger and blame. Window cleaner, postman or the Government? The Government has covered itself of blame in it's 'guidelines' the postman is backed by a massive essential business. That leaves just the window cleaner.  The legal fall outs never mind the physical fall outs are a complete mine field. As unknown as the virus itself.

Me to. At least it gives us time to forget how $h!t we are and start the last 11 games fresh with sjm fit. Who knows maybe I'm delusional from fever ? but I'm convinced we can stay up utfv 
I don’t think we’re good enough, we’ve missed Mcginn without doubt. Apart from Grealish the rest are garbage!!
