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Take it out my wages next time then lol

That reminds me I think i am quiet next week finally but i will let you know saturday

G4.62rdless is the way to go definitely

I just got 2 payments in the last 15 minutes from paypal..a £30 and a £130

The £130 was paid as friends and family so i got it all

The £30 was paid as a normal payment so i lost 3.4% plus 20p off of it

That means i paid £1.22 in fees and the £130 would have been £4.62 in fees

Gocardless with 1% fees is so much better

Is it worth paying £25 for CP just for the Gocardless intergration. As a newbie I don't have a big round but want to push Gocardless as much as I can and like the idea of one button to start payment process after clean on CP.But seems to much to pay for this feature when I am not big enough for bells and whistles yet?
I have just over 300 customers and i don't do evening cash collections have GC intergration has made this so much easier once over i was putting fuel in my truck every week now every 3 weeks , Once you hit a point were you don't have to collect think of all the money your saving on fuel vehicle wear & tear less miles means your motor will be worth more .

What do yous do if the customers don't agree to go card less ? Or online banking? How do yous get paid? Do yous still go out and collect them? I know If it was me that had to go back out I'd be passing the houses on the run anyway

You may save fuel ⛽ and wear and tear but what about the added stress on tracking payment I'm not convinced the most reliable customers are older generation can't see them going for this I'll stay as I am for now

You may save fuel ⛽ and wear and tear but what about the added stress on tracking payment I'm not convinced the most reliable customers are older generation can't see them going for this I'll stay as I am for now
Go cardless tracks it's self. One button press paid 7 days later. Updates everything for me.

That's if the customer signs up for it isn't it? To be honest if you text or call and they can't be @rsed to get the money out the hole in the wall write a cheque or do a bank transfer then they are probably a customer I wouldn't want?

People nowadays lead busy lives

The fact that they fill in about 5 boxes the first time when you send them a link and that is all they ever have to do will appeal to some people who seem to be too busy with life to remember these things

That doesn't make them bad customers who you wouldn't want..it just means that they don't spend their days thinking ooh must pay window cleaner..must pay window cleaner

I have quite a few customers who need reminding before they pay as they won't remember

This just saves the aggro

Go cardless you can have alert you when you have a payment so that is when you look to see who

It is an independent company

I was working with Damo one day and it was constant phone alerts

Each one meant someone had paid

It's a good feeling knowing that money is dropping in to your account

Only 3 so far

Only signed up myself last night

But it is already working for me

I get fed up checking paypal and bank manually all the time and working out who has paid when they constantly forget to put address as reference etc

All of them are going to be told change to go cardless or leave cash hidden for me as it does my swede in

Any new customers are not getting the option of bacs or paypal

I used to use a diaryThen I tried index cards which works and gives you more flexibility

Then i tried software

Thought to myself after a few weeks that i could still do it from a book

Tried for a few days and thought sod this where's my cashcard I'm paying my next months subscription as this is hard work
Funny you say index cards Davey, I use index cards, an A5 diary and George on a lap top to keep phone numbers and addresses. If 2 of them get nicked I know I'll still have details of my round somewhere /emoticons/biggrin.png

The sole point is GC is not for every customer. For the 'on-line' literate generation it is well worth while making it a must but as I have said before for Granny Smith that is 99% home on the day you clean to pay you cash anyhow then dont sweat it.

1% is nothing for such service. I once consodered hiring a semi retired gent just to do collections of am evening. Would have cost a hell of a lot more than 1%
