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Don’t usually go collecting but


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Well-known member
Off out at 08:00 tomorrow morning for all the new non payers . Four in total but it’s the thought that counts. Really grinds me but it’s the usual cases .
Off out at 08:00 tomorrow morning for all the new non payers . Four in total but it’s the thought that counts. Really grinds me but it’s the usual cases .
Full contact details email phone number etc so I don't have to go out chasing people the vast majority of new jobs go on direct debit it's just usually older customers in their 60's & 70's that I let pay bacs or cash, although I slipped up last year and let a NHS consultant who I thought wouldn't rip me off pay bacs they moved house after the last clean and have ignored all messages and calls ripped me off for £35 and they lived in a very nice house and not short of money or so I thought