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Just a quick note to say 1ltr Ecover is on offer in Sainsburys at the moment £2.25 down to £1.50.

what is it/used for?
It's washing-up liquid.
Women put a squirt of Ecover in a bowl when they wash the dishes.

Men put a squirt of Ecover in a bucket when they clean the windows :Image9: .

thanks m8 will grab a load to nte at that price .ecover is bril stuff razer with a bit of white malt vin mixed in.

It's washing-up liquid.

Women put a squirt of Ecover in a bowl when they wash the dishes.

Men put a squirt of Ecover in a bucket when they clean the windows :Image9: .
And old men like me also use pure water instead of washing up liquid for outside work. Windows stay cleaner for longer dont you know :Image13:

Blimmy you shop in posh supermarkets...no wonder they have it on offer as is one of the most expensive places to shop :Image3:

Just a quick note to say 1ltr Ecover is on offer in Sainsburys at the moment £2.25 down to £1.50.
And old men like me also use pure water instead of washing up liquid for outside work. Windows stay cleaner for longer dont you know :Image13:
I also use pure tap water with my washing up liquid :Image9:
Told my wife to get some beers last night from Asia and she also came home with some Ecover but its multi purpose cleaner rather than washing up liquid, is this ok to use or should I just drink when the beer runs out and get the washing up liquid!

You sent your wife all the way to Asia! Probably not that cost effective!

Anyway I brought some ecover multi surface cleaner today from Thailand ....sorry I mean tesco, I'm going to try it on conny roofs.

Haha god dam stupid iPhone predictive text!

Wish she would go Asia give me a break lol

It was supposed to be asda, anyway I sent her to Sainsburys to get me the lemon washing up liquid, tried it and put the same amount I do in if I use fairy and found I prefer the fairy more as this seemed more effort to detail but the windows do seen to sparkle more but that might be me just thinking it is!


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