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Hi guys. Thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Lawrence. Just starting out window cleaning.. Really looking forward to it. It seems a mind fuels out there for equipment and advice.. I'm gong to start traditional window, may upgrade to filtered system if I can get a big enough round. I'm hoping you might be able to steer me in the right direction. Ladder and size. I feel I should buy a 'A frame' ladder, they seem to have a good reputation on here. Not sure about size though. I'm sure this knowledge comes with experience, but I'm trying not to waste money on things I might not need. Any advice would be great. Thanks in advance.

many moons ago when I started trad(now wfp) all you needed were: ladder,bucket,scrims,ledge cloths,pouches,blades & of course don't forget the crate.you could pick up loads of work easily aswell.how things have moved on.someone will be on soon post a full list m8.

many moons ago when I started trad(now wfp) all you needed were: ladder,bucket,scrims,ledge cloths,pouches,blades & of course don't forget the crate.you could pick up loads of work easily aswell.how things have moved on.someone will be on soon post a full list m8.
Thanks Mark.

Welcome Lawrence you will get plenty of help and advice here [emoji6]

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Welcome Lawrence and good luck, you will find many and old hand on here that started and many that still do traditional work. I have two ladders myself, a regular double and a A frame extension, both are 6 meters. I prefer and always feel safer on the A frame.

Here is a post that is pinned in the Traditional window cleaning forum, Recommended traditional starter kit and you will find a shed load of personal views and advice on which starter equipment to buy.

If you happen to live anywhere near a good supplier may I suggest that you pop in and see what 'feels' a good fit for you.

Hi Lawrence welcome mate and good luck getting started.

I use a standard double ladder that used belong to my step dad, so it was free :thumbsup:. If i was buying one new I would go for a pointer all day long. Something that will reach fascia height to get up to those awkward windows over porches, gnd floor bays etc.

Thanks guys... Great to hear from you.. That's brilliant info. I'll have a look at the ladders again tomorrow... Something else I'm really concerned about is 'how much do I charge'

I use standard double ladders as im not interested in 3 story work. I have a frames but never use it as you often need to put it up twice to do windows. Once on each side. Instead I use regular step ladders and the lad on tops can do any windows i cant reach like top openers on the way up to the tops

I use standard double ladders as im not interested in 3 story work. I have a frames but never use it as you often need to put it up twice to do windows. Once on each side. Instead I use regular step ladders and the lad on tops can do any windows i cant reach like top openers on the way up to the tops
In the 14 years I did trad I never once came up to a window that I had to put up an A frame twice where as a standard ladder could have done it once.

The tip of the A frame obviously sirs on the vertical mullion bars, or if its a big picture window (no bars), you just put the tip above the window (a double 14 will reach above any normal 2nd story window).

If windows were easier to clean of a standard ladder, why invent the A frame?

Another reason myself and my worker preferred A frames, is if your working of an uneven surface, you can angle the ladder against the window vertical bars to overcome this. Each to their own and all that, just my opinion:thumbsup:

In the 14 years I did trad I never once came up to a window that I had to put up an A frame twice where as a standard ladder could have done it once.The tip of the A frame obviously sirs on the vertical mullion bars, or if its a big picture window (no bars), you just put the tip above the window (a double 14 will reach above any normal 2nd story window).

If windows were easier to clean of a standard ladder, why invent the A frame?

Another reason myself and my worker preferred A frames, is if your working of an uneven surface, you can angle the ladder against the window vertical bars to overcome this. Each to their own and all that, just my opinion:thumbsup:
I will take my A frame in next week, and take a photo or 2 maybe you could give me some advice on a window or two, will take a photo. /emoticons/smile.png

Hey guys. I think I've got it down to 2 different size A frame doubles. 8ft/15ft or 10ft/18ft... What you reckon? Thanks again for your help,..


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