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do you think in a few years we will all look back and think wow did they really clean windows like that...?

i dont want to upset anyone but...if you thought about it...it would be easy to build a brush into every window and programme it to go up and down and roll around ...flushed with pure...

oh dont worry cause...it would also be easy ...like most of europe ...to have windows which open inwards....karcher anyone?

Agree there , I started with the intention of just doing upstairs but slowly and surely it was , ow while I'm here with me pole /emoticons/smile.png
Im thinking of blasting the bottoms on certain houses( wfp tops/trad bottoms), particularly my cheap houses, or offering to clean conny windows on bigger houses,instead of trad, will say this is instead of putting prices up in the new year and it would save me a bit of time cleaning, but would need to fill more barrels at end of the day, so this puts me off.

yep windowsurfer ...bigger is better....

actually...why dont you....wfp the lot ...and just walk along and check the bottoms afterwards....

oh i hate it when my water runs out....grrrrrrr

I now carry 8 25 ltr containers yep 200ltr in containers it can't be doing my zafira any good /emoticons/sad.png , want a 200 ltr flat container next then more work then hoping to find a decent van to px my car with but need a 3 seater van

I carry 7, 25ltr in my vauxhall astra estate six in the boot one, in the footwell at the back, for my trad water, but also a backup incase I run out. I used to take my di vessel in car in case I ran out and use a custys tap with permission when had less barrels.

I carry 7, 25ltr in my vauxhall astra estate six in the boot one, in the footwell at the back, for my trad water, but also a backup incase I run out. I used to take my di vessel in car in case I ran out and use a custys tap with permission when had less barrels.
Estates are big but it's easy to run out of space

I would like a three seater van, as sister joining me in Jan and my wife may help out now and then. Only issue it wont fit in my garage, astra fits in with a combi ladder, a double extension ladder and a frame ladder on, so its a great car( a friend said its a pyramid of ladders)

I would like a three seater van, as sister joining me in Jan and my wife may help out now and then. Only issue it wont fit in my garage, astra fits in with a combi ladder, a double extension ladder and a frame ladder on, so its a great car( a friend said its a pyramid of ladders)
Wow your the oy person I've ever heard of that actually puts there car inside a garage , normally far to full of cr*p to fit a car in /emoticons/wink.png


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