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Scraped glass ?!


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Just had a customer ring me and say we have scraped their glass. I’ve been doing the house since they had their new windows in so no scrapes would have been on the windows. One of the other lads done their windows the last time. I explained that it’s very unlikely we could have done it due to the brushes not holding dirt etc. She said it was on the top windows and that nobody else can reach them. I said I would call round and see and she said she wouldn’t want them done again as she wouldn’t want any more scratches. 

im unsure if my lad has done a bad job and this is an excuse to get rid of their genuinely is scraped glass? What way would I stand with scraping glass from an insurance point ( gleaming insurance ) or am I best just not going back? Either way she doesn’t want them done again 

Just had a customer ring me and say we have scraped their glass. I’ve been doing the house since they had their new windows in so no scrapes would have been on the windows. One of the other lads done their windows the last time. I explained that it’s very unlikely we could have done it due to the brushes not holding dirt etc. She said it was on the top windows and that nobody else can reach them. I said I would call round and see and she said she wouldn’t want them done again as she wouldn’t want any more scratches. 

im unsure if my lad has done a bad job and this is an excuse to get rid of their genuinely is scraped glass? What way would I stand with scraping glass from an insurance point ( gleaming insurance ) or am I best just not going back? Either way she doesn’t want them done again 
Is she expecting you to call round now or wanting it left? You’ve denied you did it, then leave it at that I would say, if she’s not expecting you round. 

It may be best to contact Gleaming and ask their advice. They’re very good at getting back to you. Though they’ll probably say, if she’s dropping you and leaving it at that then don’t push it. If she every tries to claim you can point to the fact she didn’t arrange for you to come see  

And if she wants shot of you then take the door out. I say that as I have a customer on the round of accused me of scratching the glass. I check it over & explained it couldn’t be me. They accepted it and wanted me to continue, though everytime I go I get naughts in my stomach. Would rather they had dropped me. 

Just had a customer ring me and say we have scraped their glass. I’ve been doing the house since they had their new windows in so no scrapes would have been on the windows. One of the other lads done their windows the last time. I explained that it’s very unlikely we could have done it due to the brushes not holding dirt etc. She said it was on the top windows and that nobody else can reach them. I said I would call round and see and she said she wouldn’t want them done again as she wouldn’t want any more scratches. 

im unsure if my lad has done a bad job and this is an excuse to get rid of their genuinely is scraped glass? What way would I stand with scraping glass from an insurance point ( gleaming insurance ) or am I best just not going back? Either way she doesn’t want them done again 
This is one of those ones that you don't know what is best to do.

Personally I would like to know as I wouldn't want that customer bad mounthing me off in the local area. We have all heard about the scratch we did but was on the inside of the glass.

Then there is always the question of whether he did do it or not even if it was at height. Would you have seen a scratched glass at height from new?

With excess you would probably be better off paying for is out of your own pocket if you decide to go that route. Our excess is £150. If she isn't going to need your services again then are you throwing good money after bad?

I'm inclined to feel that this is an excuse to cancel because the first Christmas bills on their credit cards are due now. Timing is about right. If you get there she probably won't even be able to find the scratch.

Is she expecting you to call round now or wanting it left? You’ve denied you did it, then leave it at that I would say, if she’s not expecting you round. 

It may be best to contact Gleaming and ask their advice. They’re very good at getting back to you. Though they’ll probably say, if she’s dropping you and leaving it at that then don’t push it. If she every tries to claim you can point to the fact she didn’t arrange for you to come see  

And if she wants shot of you then take the door out. I say that as I have a customer on the round of accused me of scratching the glass. I check it over & explained it couldn’t be me. They accepted it and wanted me to continue, though everytime I go I get naughts in my stomach. Would rather they had dropped me. 
I said I would call round when I’m back in the area. She said well I I doubt your going to replace the glass anyway. I never answered that part. I then said it couldn’t be us etc but I would call and she said she wouldn’t want doing again anyway for more scratches to come. Stomaches in naughts at the minute thinking about it 

Is she expecting you to call round now or wanting it left? You’ve denied you did it, then leave it at that I would say, if she’s not expecting you round. 

It may be best to contact Gleaming and ask their advice. They’re very good at getting back to you. Though they’ll probably say, if she’s dropping you and leaving it at that then don’t push it. If she every tries to claim you can point to the fact she didn’t arrange for you to come see  

And if she wants shot of you then take the door out. I say that as I have a customer on the round of accused me of scratching the glass. I check it over & explained it couldn’t be me. They accepted it and wanted me to continue, though everytime I go I get naughts in my stomach. Would rather they had dropped me. 
The problem is that he didn't. Its "high unlikely" isn't denying that it couldn't have happened.

I'm inclined to go with what you say and leave it as she has shown him the door. But the other side of me is not totally happy with saying that.

This is one of those ones that you don't know what is best to do.

Personally I would like to know as I wouldn't want that customer bad mounthing me off in the local area. We have all heard about the scratch we did but was on the inside of the glass.

Then there is always the question of whether he did do it or not even if it was at height. Would you have seen a scratched glass at height from new?

With excess you would probably be better off paying for is out of your own pocket if you decide to go that route. Our excess is £150. If she isn't going to need your services again then are you throwing good money after bad?

I'm inclined to feel that this is an excuse to cancel because the first Christmas bills on their credit cards are due now. Timing is about right. If you get there she probably won't even be able to find the scratch.
I thought that’s why she was saying she didn’t want them done again aswell. Basically saying you can look but I don’t want them done again anyway. 

the worst of it is that it’s bang in the middle of a street where we do a lot of houses. The only bonus is that they are never usually about to have to interact with ? 

also strange the time I don’t get the back of it the other fella has done it. Makes me think is it an excuse he’s done a bad job and the low sun is showing up marks and just an excuse to cancel ? 

Not all customer issues are genuine and its difficult to decide what's best.

When I worked in the power tool industry in South Africa and a tool came in for a warranty repair, we were able to access whether it was a genuine issue or a customer related (abuse - using the wrong tool for the wrong job for example), issue. But there were some instances where we just weren't that sure.

In fact Bosch Germany said that a certain percentage of our warranty expense account was goodwill. In other words it was repaired under warranty/replaced to keep the customer happy.

Now Metabo was one of our competitors. The MD of Metabo was in a heated discussion with a customer over an angle grinder failure that was clearly not a claim. Herr Hallermann was considering giving that customer a replacement tool under warranty (goodwill), but when the customer said he would never buy another Metabo, Herr Hallermann told him he then wasn't going to waste his money then and kicked him of his business. That stuck with me.

The other consideration is that its bang in the middle of other work. They might not interact with you but they could interact with your other customers.

I think I would still like to see the evidence and then explain how its possible this window was scratched with your brush and none of the others over the times (years) you have been cleaning their windows haven't been scratched. It will give you ammunition if neighbours bring up the subject.

Not all customer issues are genuine and its difficult to decide what's best.

When I worked in the power tool industry in South Africa and a tool came in for a warranty repair, we were able to access whether it was a genuine issue or a customer related (abuse - using the wrong tool for the wrong job for example), issue. But there were some instances where we just weren't that sure.

In fact Bosch Germany said that a certain percentage of our warranty expense account was goodwill. In other words it was repaired under warranty/replaced to keep the customer happy.

Now Metabo was one of our competitors. The MD of Metabo was in a heated discussion with a customer over an angle grinder failure that was clearly not a claim. Herr Hallermann was considering giving that customer a replacement tool under warranty (goodwill), but when the customer said he would never buy another Metabo, Herr Hallermann told him he then wasn't going to waste his money then and kicked him of his business. That stuck with me.

The other consideration is that its bang in the middle of other work. They might not interact with you but they could interact with your other customers.

I think I would still like to see the evidence and then explain how its possible this window was scratched with your brush and none of the others over the times (years) you have been cleaning their windows haven't been scratched. It will give you ammunition if neighbours bring up the subject.
I see where your coming from and thanks for the input. If I was to go back and say it did go through insurance, are you likely to see a big rise in your insurance ? 

I see where your coming from and thanks for the input. If I was to go back and say it did go through insurance, are you likely to see a big rise in your insurance ? 
To be fair it will probably cost less than your excess to replace it yourself if it got that far, depending on the size of the unit etc...

Just had a customer ring me and say we have scraped their glass. I’ve been doing the house since they had their new windows in so no scrapes would have been on the windows. One of the other lads done their windows the last time. I explained that it’s very unlikely we could have done it due to the brushes not holding dirt etc. She said it was on the top windows and that nobody else can reach them. I said I would call round and see and she said she wouldn’t want them done again as she wouldn’t want any more scratches. 

im unsure if my lad has done a bad job and this is an excuse to get rid of their genuinely is scraped glass? What way would I stand with scraping glass from an insurance point ( gleaming insurance ) or am I best just not going back? Either way she doesn’t want them done again 
I'm sorry but no way would I wait until I'm 'next in the area'.I'd be there the next day to take a look.

Itll be playing on your mind you need to nip it in the bud now.....

I got accused once....i went back the next day and it was 2 straight scratches on 2 upper windows(that had been recently replaced)..absolutely no way did I scratch them with my brush!(and told him so!)...

He agreed and I still clean his windows 3 years later....

I'm sorry but no way would I wait until I'm 'next in the area'.I'd be there the next day to take a look.

Itll be playing on your mind you need to nip it in the bud now.....

I got accused once....i went back the next day and it was 2 straight scratches on 2 upper windows(that had been recently replaced)..absolutely no way did I scratch them with my brush!(and told him so!)...

He agreed and I still clean his windows 3 years later....
I’m in the area tomorrow. I’ve been cleaning the windows for a year and a half now so surely they would have noticed by now if they had scratches already 

I'm sorry but no way would I wait until I'm 'next in the area'.I'd be there the next day to take a look.

Itll be playing on your mind you need to nip it in the bud now.....

I got accused once....i went back the next day and it was 2 straight scratches on 2 upper windows(that had been recently replaced)..absolutely no way did I scratch them with my brush!(and told him so!)...

He agreed and I still clean his windows 3 years later....
Yeah I agree with this. I let a customer dictate when I went back and it stressed me out no end. So if you can, just say you’ll go back now. 

I have a friend, who has did window cleaning for years, who just flat out denies any accusation, stating the equipment can’t cause damage. He is mainly commercial, though.  

Not sure if it’s how I would deal with it but having a strong position like that would help nip it in the bud. Speaking to manufacturers before they told me they’ve never had a brush, being used properly and with no damage, cause a scratch. 

Before going round make sure your lad hasn't used the edge of the brush head to scrape any bird **** off, that's the only way I can see you causing any damage . 

You'd be surprised the amount of new glass that gets scratched during the installation, I've read there's a unwritten rule in the window fitters trade that If you can stand 2 metres back and not see the scratch then its fine, how true that is I don't know but I'm sure I've read it on here. 

I'd also point out to the customer that if by some miracle grit got stuck in the brush all of their windows would of been scratched. 

I'd agree with spruce that they've overspent at Christmas, credit card bills are looming and unfortunately we're normally the first to go. 

Ime guessing your excess will cost more than a Paine of glass if you are responsible you are better off paying for it rather than getting insurance involved . It could be if they are new windows that the scratch was already there and you cleaning it has now made it into a prism and it’s now showing up , I would look carefully at  it and then decide what to do if anything about it . 

No, I don't scratch my customers windows ? I believe @Dave B has experience with polishing them out.
Use this or similar with a 2000rpm minimum drill.

Will take out any depth scratches from house glass.

Must be cerium oxide paste or powder in the kit.


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