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Stain removal glass and frames


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Has anyone ever come across this before, the customer said the builder caused it either from acid or it's from a metal strip that runs above the patio doors that has caused dripping stains. It looks like to me staining from hard water but they assure me it's not. It's on the glass and frame.

Does anyone know of a product that will remove it?

Cheers lads20180803_153915.jpg

If it’s lime scale vikal or a similar lime scale remover might help , I have one customer that has similar marks on one window and have tryed everything imaginable on it with very little effect told them I can do no more , suggested they get that pain of glass replaced 

Yeah that sounds like what the customer was saying. They have tried a load of different products but nothing has budged it. The builder was suppose to be sending a specialist to polish the glass but they have been waiting for a long time and heard nothing.

Whatever you use just be careful next to those grey painted frames. You could try bronze wool to see if it will shift it.

If they have that new white render then that could be what's caused it

County Durham Lad

Cheers fellas think I will just advise her to get her builder who built the extension to replace the frames and glass.

Cheers fellas think I will just advise her to get her builder who built the extension to replace the frames and glass.
The right decision mate the builder is liable after all, In hindsight if you were to have a go and failed they could hold you liable if the treatment of a cleaning agent went wrong.

County Durham Lad
