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the big convention


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Yeah sad they tried to save it but no luck. Apparently they did a postmortem and found nothing.
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Oh, I forgot, you live down this way don't you gav. Just spoke to my cousin who lives in Falmouth and he said it was mentioned on the local bumpkin news /emoticons/wink.png. Spotlight I think its called.

Lovely neck of the woods down here, been visiting all my life. Not enough work though, and the Cornish people walk round like they've just been told their dog has died! Cheer up!

Have you ever been to the blue anchor in Helston @Gav or anyone else

Proper old beer brewed by themselves

Strong stuff

I don't have family in cornwall but i do in devon and dorset and most of the way down to cornwall

St Austell make tribute ale also which goes down well in the beer garden

I am a scrumpy boy when it comes to somerset area but Cornwall make nice real beer


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