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Who's a film buff


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Yep Shawshank without a doubt!

Lock stock and Snatch crack me up. "I don't believe this, can everyone stop getting shot" :rofl:

I like a good horror too. The Exorcist still creeps me out a bit. The Shining cos Nicholson is awesome in it.

And of course Goodfellas and Scarface I love.

Joe pesci in goodfellas....what an actor...

" funny!! Funny how?"


Joe pesci in goodfellas....what an actor..." funny!! Funny how?"


This scene has got to be up there amongst the best!

I think some of it was off the cuff and they just kept the camera rolling. Pure gold!

I like Pesci in gangster films always plays the nut job he's good in casino
He's a little guy but so menacing when he plays these characters. His eyes, so sinister!

I have the good the bad and the ugly trilogy..that is cool Steve

Aliens i have the quadrilogy (even though that's not an actual word) and the 3 predator films and the 2 alien vs predator all in a tidy little collection

Could watch them for hours including the cheesy alien vs predator ones

Scarface..gotta love Tony Montana

"I never fecked anyone over in my life that didn't deserve it.....all i have in this world are my balls and my word and i don't break em for nobody...understand?"

Toombstone - Val Kilmers 'Piece de resistance'


Pussy Galore: My name is Pussy Galore.

James Bond: I must be dreaming.

Last weeks evenings went like this: Mon - Deerhunter Tue: Platoon: Wed: Apocalypse Now Thurs: Full Metal Jacket Fri: Went out for dinner! /emoticons/smile.png

Find Me Guilty - we all know Vin Diesel can't act worth a damn but DAMN, I would have given him to Oscar for this one.


Hanging Lady: Nervous?

Ted Striker: Yes.

Hanging Lady: First time?

Ted Striker: No, I've been nervous lots of times.

But wait there's more! Yes more Airplane

Rumack: You'd better tell the Captain we've got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be gotten to a hospital.

Elaine Dickinson: A hospital? What is it?

Rumack: It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now.

I could go on about movies all night long /emoticons/smile.png)


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