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Working in the dark


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ive been wondering about the dark, i have always preferred to start at 7 in the morning so this would mean starting in the dark, just wondering if anyone else does it especially in these winter months.

0730 start for me tomorrow on my father in laws Saturday round, usually takes us 3 hours but I'm flying solo tomorrow as he is on holiday, only reason I'm starting early is because im going out for a meal with than family, and don't want to be rushing to get ready.

always liked 7-3 (the aim) start more because more of a day to enjoy, miss the rush hour.

mind you it normally ended up as 7-7 because id rather work a few hours than sit in traffic and go at 5.

Always do 7-4.. Use a head torch for first hour or so in winter months... Try to do shops if I can first but do houses at 7 some mornings too, just warn them I'm coming if it's a new customer.. They eventually get used to it. At least the wfp isn't as loud as ladders!

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If I'm doing houses I usually am on the first one by 7.30. Just getting light then. I try n do some commercials first if possible.


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