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Peed right off with some customers


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Business suicide for having a protocol ?

This industry is looked at as the "scally" or "rogue" of the trades and that's because so many (not all, before everyone jumps down my throat) have no idea how a business should be run properly. 

It's OK to play at being in business and pocketing your quick cash, but have some pride and backbone too. Define what you want and be true to being a good, honest reliable, business owner who clearly sets out his fair and reasonable business protocols. 

Just because some people don't like being told what you do and Do not do within YOUR business doesn't mean it's not right. 
Course it is, you're talking about a cancellation policy when you don't even have a contract.  Just mentioning the word 'cancel' will prompt most people to think about it.  Only a negative outcome for yourself could come from a cancellation policy, if people want to cancel they will cancel but don't go telling them how to cancel... suicide.

The only person that counts is the person who owns the business. No matter what others think it doesn't matter as their success, or failure, will lie at their door. Nothing wrong in others disagreeing as long as they try and put it across constructively and not as an instruction. I disagreed with Green Pro many a time about his methods, and he did at mine, however we both ended up with a successful business, so who was right and who was wrong, the answer was both and neither of us.   

All I know is when I was a lorry driver and I paid for a window cleaner if they tried to charge me for a window clean I had not had I would tell them where to go if they messaged me the night before and I politely told them I had an issue which meant they could t be cleaned this month. 

I think your idea of running a very strict business may work, but also my idea of running a friendly reliable business seems to have worked very well for me so far. I would never call out other people on how they run there business. I think to be a window cleaner that last for more than 3 months shows we all have a backbone and all know how to run a business or we no longer would be here. 

I don't think anyone here is a rogue or scally and nor when I see other respectful window cleaners have I ever thought that, even before I was in the trade. So maybe your thinking something that most other people don't? Window cleaning now isn't a luxury as so much as it is a must now a days with everyone have conservatorys and sun rooms and more windows added. And yes it's a respectable trade. 

At the end of the day Baldmonkey if your getting your knickers in a twist about customers cancelling on you the night before and the rest of us are saying we would handle it differntly, maybe a bit of reflection is needed rather than starting to accuse the industry of being scallys or rogues ( or most of them like you say). As if I was a customer of yours the only scally thing I would ever think is a window cleaner demanding full pay for not a full clean and trying to set terms and conditions on a window clean service when there is plenty more who are friendly and happy to choose from. 
Please don't not try to twist or manipulate what I have said. I appreciate you have an opinion and quite rightly on a forum like this have expressed it. But if you for one second don't think there are rogues and scallys in this industry and even on this forum then I for one am not going to argue with your roses tinted glasses. Have fun ?

Please don't not try to twist or manipulate what I have said. I appreciate you have an opinion and quite rightly on a forum like this have expressed it. But if you for one second don't think there are rogues and scallys in this industry and even on this forum then I for one am not going to argue with your roses tinted glasses. Have fun ?
There are definetly rogues or scallys in this industry.....just like there is in any industry and I mean ANY industry. The only thing is the rogues and scallys arnt normally the guys who take pride in there work and take time out of there days to  come into forums on a evening to talk about business. 

Course it is, you're talking about a cancellation policy when you don't even have a contract.  Just mentioning the word 'cancel' will prompt most people to think about it.  Only a negative outcome for yourself could come from a cancellation policy, if people want to cancel they will cancel but don't go telling them how to cancel... suicide.
A contract is not needed with protocols... A business has to function and trade in a certain way to create the business flow, the are protocols and terms of service. you have no idea the context of what is or is not with my paperwork and practices. I have only given you a brief snippet of an issue I have seen. 

After being in business for 30 plus years and a business owner in over 10 various sectors i can say with certainty that suicide is not what will happen when I do resol e the issue one way or another, but you crack on functioning the way you do and I will do what I do, it is but a discussion after all. 

There are definitely "rogue and scally" window cleaners out there, just as there are in all walks of life.

A contract is not needed with protocols... A business has to function and trade in a certain way to create the business flow, the are protocols and terms of service. you have no idea the context of what is or is not with my paperwork and practices. I have only given you a brief snippet of an issue I have seen. 

After being in business for 30 plus years and a business owner in over 10 various sectors i can say with certainty that suicide is not what will happen when I do resol e the issue one way or another, but you crack on functioning the way you do and I will do what I do, it is but a discussion after all. 
I could ask why in 30 years you have been a business owner in 10 different sectors.....but im sure the reply will be they all succeeded and was sold on so you could join us scallys ??

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The only person that counts is the person who owns the business. No matter what others think it doesn't matter as their success, or failure, will lie at their door. Nothing wrong in others disagreeing as long as they try and put it across constructively and not as an instruction. I disagreed with Green Pro many a time about his methods, and he did at mine, however we both ended up with a successful business, so who was right and who was wrong, the answer was both and neither of us.   
God your so wizened part timer, great way to put it.

when all of us put our keyboards down, it's down to us and nobody else, I respect each and everyone's opinion, may not seem like it but I genuinely do, ?

God your so wizened part timer, great way to put it.

when all of us put our keyboards down, it's down to us and nobody else, I respect each and everyone's opinion, may not seem like it but I genuinely do, ?
It's just an alternative viewpoint.  Sometimes you can't see the wood from the trees, it helps to step back a bit and have a think of all the viewpoints and way up the pros and cons.  

I myself am very thorough with my work, take pride in my work and take longer than most to do the work.  However I constantly have to remind myself, the goal is to make money, not be the best window cleaner in the world.

I have to say baldmonkey you started this thread by saying “ I run a phenomenaly customer focused service“ 

I suggest it is not quite as customer focused as you think, try and put yourself in the position of the customer. 
Window cleaning being what it is, the date we see the customers each month does vary so they don’t know till we text them.

Drop the ones that do it repeatedly, as your round grows so does the quality of customer.

I could ask why in 30 years you have been a business owner in 10 different sectors.....but im sure the reply will be they all succeeded and was sold on so you could join us scallys ??
If you are genuinely interested it's because I kind of fell into it, by accident after not liking being told how to do something ????

Your not far from the mark but it wasn't about that, it turned out I had a knack for starting businesses in difficult sectors, running them alongside others and selling them for a profit.. So it was about the creation and not making them all a run away success, out of 31 businesses across 10 sectors, 9 never made it passed the first 6 months, 2 failed after 12 months and the rest turned a successful profit. 

I actually came into this industry as a hobby to fill my time whilst my current 3 businesses where being run by members of staff. Believe it or not I had a knack for creating a window cleaning business (as if I'd don't it before ?) and have gone on to create something from nothing, never bought a customer or knocked on a door, I'm currently running around the 52k a year mark and sold my last 3 businesses on the strength of this being much much less stressful (even though my original post contradicts that ?) 

Whilst you did ask in a mocking and derisive way, you did actually ask

It's just an alternative viewpoint.  Sometimes you can't see the wood from the trees, it helps to step back a bit and have a think of all the viewpoints and way up the pros and cons.  

I myself am very thorough with my work, take pride in my work and take longer than most to do the work.  However I constantly have to remind myself, the goal is to make money, not be the best window cleaner in the world.
This is the point I'm at now. When I started I could be the best window cleaner as I had time on my hands....now I'm at 50 custys a week and 2-3 big jobs and

 im trying to balance them ?

If you are genuinely interested it's because I kind of fell into it, by accident after not liking being told how to do something ????

Your not far from the mark but it wasn't about that, it turned out I had a knack for starting businesses in difficult sectors, running them alongside others and selling them for a profit.. So it was about the creation and not making them all a run away success, out of 31 businesses across 10 sectors, 9 never made it passed the first 6 months, 2 failed after 12 months and the rest turned a successful profit. 

I actually came into this industry as a hobby to fill my time whilst my current 3 businesses where being run by members of staff. Believe it or not I had a knack for creating a window cleaning business (as if I'd don't it before ?) and have gone on to create something from nothing, never bought a customer or knocked on a door, I'm currently running around the 52k a year mark and sold my last 3 businesses on the strength of this being much much less stressful (even though my original post contradicts that ?) 

Whilst you did ask in a mocking and derisive way, you did actually ask
To be fair it was a little mocking I agree, but also genuine interest and nice to read a good honest reply ??

 However I constantly have to remind myself, the goal is to make money, not be the best window cleaner in the world.
Sometimes trying to be the best will get you to that pinnacle. My saying is I might not claim to be the best but you won't find anyone better.

God your so wizened part timer, great way to put it.


withered; shriveled: a wizened old man; wizened features.

A bit to close to the truth there ?

I have to say baldmonkey you started this thread by saying “ I run a phenomenaly customer focused service“ 

I suggest it is not quite as customer focused as you think, try and put yourself in the position of the customer. 
Window cleaning being what it is, the date we see the customers each month does vary so they don’t know till we text them.

Drop the ones that do it repeatedly, as your round grows so does the quality of customer.
You suggesting anything otherwise with no more information than this post is like me saying your a complete **** based Purley on this post.... And I'm probably wrong ???????

You all have to agree on the following

1, I know how to argue and set the cat amongst the pigeons

2, create a lot of HOT posts 


Don't mistake my hard opinions as disrespect, your all part of my wet, cold and profitable family ?

Sometimes trying to be the best will get you to that pinnacle. My saying is I might not claim to be the best but you won't find anyone better.



withered; shriveled: a wizened old man; wizened features.

A bit to close to the truth there ?
?..... ?

To be fair it was a little mocking I agree, but also genuine interest and nice to read a good honest reply ??
It sounds good but jesus christ I feel like I've climbed everest after all that.. I want to retire, ??????????, thanks for being part of the discussion pal. 

My thought is to add into our terms and conditions (which already state we need one clear day to cancel a clean) that if you cancel AFTER the reminder text has been sent the night before...
I have something similar written on my website about doorstep cancellations, the failing in all of this of yours and mine is how can they give you a a full days notice to cancel if they aren't aware that you are due the next day until they get a text and you are going to be there first thing the next morning, 

My jobs mostly pay via direct debit so if a gate ain't open when I call then they get charged my minimum and if it continues they get charged full price, I ain't had anyone spit their dummy as it's there in black and white on my website. which they most likely never read and most likely never check their emails when a payment request is made as no doubt it goes in the spam folder. 


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