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Washing up liquid


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Hey guys I have brought GG4, and so far it ok. Not very soapy, just very watery isn't it? Which is the best squeegee rubber using GG4?

I am thinking of buying White Vinger and mixing it with GG4 to make it smoother on the glass.
Hey guys I have brought GG4, and so far it ok. Not very soapy, just very watery isn't it? Which is the best squeegee rubber using GG4?

I am thinking of buying White Vinger and mixing it with GG4 to make it smoother on the glass.
GG3 and Gg4 are both designed ti be used on there own or added to another detergent , they give slip to it , I think putting an acid vinegar in it will make it drag all the more .
GG3 and Gg4 are both designed to be used on their own or added to another detergent, they give slip to it, I think putting an acid vinegar in it will make it drag all the more.
Earlier I bought a bottle of white Vinger at my local Tesco and mixed it with GG4. It feels much better and smoother to squeeze off. Looking good so far. Time will tell.
Are you saying you feel the vinegar gives more slip/glide?
Yes it does, it feels a lot smoother on the glass. As I said before the only downside is the smell of vinegar.

Maybe I might not need white Vinger if I use a different rubber but at the moment while using soft black diamond rubber I feel I need vinegar for it to be effective which is fine as white Vinger is very cheap, especially in Lidi.
Yes it does, it feels a lot smoother on the glass. As I said before the only downside is the smell of vinegar.

Maybe I might not need white Vinger if I use a different rubber but at the moment while using soft black diamond rubber I feel I need vinegar for it to be effective which is fine as white Vinger is very cheap, especially in Lidi.
Try using Glass Gleam Glide. It works well and doesn't smell horrible!
Elbow grease and ettore soft rubber I've been using together for about a month now seems to have something in it that gives good slide and results what colour is the best yellow or blue can't decide yet whats other people thoughts
Sorry to rake up this old thread again. I’m almost out of GG3 and looking for the next best thing. I’ve heard a lot of good things about Razrglide but I just don’t like buying anything from WCW as they’ve treated me like a knob in the past. Is it actually worth buying or is there something better? I don’t mind spending out on soap because it’s a tool when you think about it; suggestions please.
Sorry to rake up this old thread again. I’m almost out of GG3 and looking for the next best thing. I’ve heard a lot of good things about Razrglide but I just don’t like buying anything from WCW as they’ve treated me like a **** in the past. Is it actually worth buying or is there something better? I don’t mind spending out on soap because it’s a tool when you think about it; suggestions please.
I’ve just recently tried razr glide and whilst it does do the job it doesn’t do anything that ordinary fairy liquid won’t do. Ive tried all sorts of various solutions over the years and imo not one of em does anything that fairy doesn’t.
iv just remembered a retired windy once told me he used to add a dash of Calgon to his water and swore by it . He also tried to get me to buy his old ladder ,only the bottom rung missing so he said. I declined but told him i used to see him polishing upper windows using a pole with what looked like a sofa cushion with gold tassels on the end, he corrected me they werent gold tassels but it Was a cushion .
iv just remembered a retired windy once told me he used to add a dash of Calgon to his water and swore by it . He also tried to get me to buy his old ladder ,only the bottom rung missing so he said. I declined but told him i used to see him polishing upper windows using a pole with what looked like a sofa cushion with gold tassels on the end, he corrected me they werent gold tassels but it Was a cushion .
That is brilliant!

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