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Washing up liquid


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I haven’t but that’s a good idea; I’ll give it a go. Since switching to branded window cleaning liquids my hands have been fine, so it was definitely the washing up liquid that was cracking them up. Maybe, despite my outward appearance I’m just soft
After 25 years of tradding my hands are exactly the same. I now use nitrile gloves more often than not and at the end of the day it doesn’t even look like I’ve been working😂
That said I’ve found that some of the specialist window cleaning products leave a weird layer on my hands. Maybe it’s nothing to worry about but there could be some long effects that none of us are aware of yet?
I haven’t but that’s a good idea; I’ll give it a go. Since switching to branded window cleaning liquids my hands have been fine, so it was definitely the washing up liquid that was cracking them up. Maybe, despite my outward appearance I’m jus
Have you tried barrier cream ? I use it on wfp stops me hands going black from carbon dust when I split the pole down to 4 sections
i use the red gloves from b@q £3 nice and soft but grip pole well and no black hands they have been a game changer for me

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