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4040 ro booster pump help


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If Baileys still sell their own booster pump don't buy it, mine failed very quickly, the company didn't answer phone, didn't return messages, and didn't respond to emails!
Their membranes are cheap, very cheap, typically an AXEON HF4 4040 would be £250 to £300 so Bailey selling one for less than half might give you a clue about how good theirs is.
Anyway back to the point I bought a Water Genie Booster Pump In A Box which works well or the same pump with pressure gauge and bypass control can be bought from Pure Freedom.
There are other pumps available - have a search - I think some people use a Clarke pump.
Exactly the same experience for me Baileys pump failed after a few months - no joy in getting a replacement so went with the Genie- the Genie Booster Pump is great