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Ashbys streambox trolley pure water fed pole window cleaning system


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Or this if you prefer a Phoenix Pole /emoticons/smile.png....http://www.windowcleaningwarehouse.co.uk/SKU148.html

just add trolley and reconditioned DI Vessel which are cheap enough on ebay :thumbsup:


You can get 25ltr containers to store your pure water from your local car wash places for FREE.....they just need a good clean and rinse-out :thumbsup::thumbsup:.

Hey guys, thank you so veyr much for that. So basically if i had pure water in containers, I would be good to go and clean windows with that package from facelift? r do I need some other bits? So I have a tds meter on order the one menetioned ordered it today. I am in a hard water area I found out. I will come back with TDS reading asap.

Would it be possible to a complete pain in the ass and ask what I need in total to make pure water, I have a bunch of vids to watch later I have massed after I flyer. I need a set up really fast. I have all the gear bar the water fed stuff, but if that package is ready to go and I just need pure I just need to no what to buy to make it or if there is a package complete to make pure, I dont want to go and choose myself I rather hear info form you pro's on the matter as I will get the best advice, hope you see where I am coming from, I want to be set up asap, with that package and knowing what to buy to make pure it should be pretty easy....

Can not thank you enough for your kind efforts in getting me the info and correct info, I think I was mis lead on the ashbey thing, somone trying to make money out of me and I would have skint myself for it. Much better coming here asking people who know it all inside out. THANK YOU!

I would say from my own experience don't mess about with a backpack, cheap trolley and small ro/di. Instead just go for a decent size van mount and be done with it. Either with a 4040 ro/di setup in the van or a static system that will produce pure water quickly. If the 4040 ro/di set up is mounted in van can also be used on demand conected to an outside tape whilst on site if need be.

You have a choice of building a diy decent van mount yourself or just buy one and have it installed.

Well that is my advice for what it is worth.

Hi smurf, cheers mate. I am only looking to use the pure water for upstairs windows and conny cleans to finish off with. So wont need as much pure really.

I was going trad, but looking at soem of the houses near me its impossible to trad them the slopes comig out form house you can not angel your ladders and I just got talking to someone whom said geta back pack set up and wfp and do that a wont need much pure just for tops.

Is the back pack mentioned on here then not that good, will i get good results form it or is it not worth the hassel. I seeme dot have learnt a fair bit now in WFP after not knowing a thing. If I get that facelift pack and an Ro unit I could be producing pure water and have the pack and hose etc and ready to go for £300 quid. But my question is will it be good enough results wise? if all goes well and my tds is good etc.

I am just exploring a new avenue, not sure about it all, but I like the WFP idea, really I need to find a ro unit etc complete to make pure and I am away, just put it in to that facelift pack and go.....

Ah its all choices at present, I just want to work out the best route for me and the WFP makes it possible to do any house with out issue. HELP!!! lol


p.s Bingo has given me the package and its ready to go, it just needs pure water so in theory I am after the unit(s) to make pure and get them and job done, just not sure what one and I would prefer to get a complete package 2nd hand ready to go to make pure and someone sell it me and I can virtually get going and have someone to ask if its not working right.

Hi Bingo,

I have a focus I will be using, I am going trad, but just got side tracked in to the WFP stuff, by ashbys and wanted to look into it totally before I buy anything in as I am starting very soona nd have custys booked in end month. Just learning and covering my bases.

I just liked the trolly idea and though it can not be to much to do, but it seems a fair amount to do. I think Ill stick to trad. But part of my really likes the WFP espcially for the 2nd floor stuff and alot of houses near me seems to have slopes and hard to place ladders as they come right out form the house so ladders will be ona real unsafe angel.

The back pack package is great you showed me and at least I am not going to get ripped off by ashbys, they told me the brush is far better than the iconics and pheonix etc as the way it shapped etc.

If I could get a package set up to make pure and get the full package back pack I would go with it, but it seems like a lot of fussing about, probably me as I do not no enough. As I said I come here to gett he best honest advice as you guys know the score, when I ring companies up they bullshi%me as want a sale.

I have check the ro systems out and can get a whole package for few hundred and ready to go once plugged in. Shame no one on here is right near me.



Dam, Looking on a pure watar making sysem, I am in a hard water area and I will have TDS reading soon. It will deffo be a hard water as been told by people fom here.

so If i buy http://www.windowcleaningwarehouse.co.uk/big-boy-backpack-renegade-deal.html

Does this give me all I need to clean a window? Or do I need some extra bits? All I need is the RO system, I want to buy one new if reasonable or 2nd hand south east england if possible and ready to use, so easy install for me. Anyone out there have any ideas or links to what to buy? WFP is winning me over but I just need to know what to buy from start to finish. I think the back pack will do me good for just tops and a conny.

If I decided on two systems then how long would it be before I was up running? Could be be as soon as next week?

You need to make your mind up amigo!

I'm new to all this also mate. Sometimes the best way to get an understanding is to take the plunge and try something out. At least you'll have a better idea of how things work.

I see second hand trolley pump n pole things on eBay all the time. My advice would be grab one and see how you get on with it. If you don't like it, flog it. At least you'll have some first hand experience. Knowledge is power!

Does this give me all I need to clean a window? Or do I need some extra bits?

All I need is the RO system, I want to buy one new if reasonable or 2nd hand south east england if possible and ready to use, so easy install for me. Anyone out there have any ideas or links to what to buy? WFP is winning me over but I just need to know what to buy from start to finish. I think the back pack will do me good for just tops and a conny.
That set up is the delivery system and pole & brush. You still need to make pure water and have something to store it in.

Any of these packages will have their flaws. You have to be prepared to live with that if you want to buy a package. For instance, I personally wouldn't want to use a 25ft aluminum pole, but they are much less expensive than a professional carbon fiber one. If it were me, I would put the backpack on a sack truck, rather than on my back.

I am just saying, be prepared to make changes and maybe have to re-buy some things once you have some gear and use it a while. You won't get the perfect kit right off. Thus the comment above, where it was suggested that you just bought some 2nd had kit and used it a while to get experience of working with WFP gear.

If you have hard water, then it will probably cost you as much or more just making pure water, than any of these packages with the rest of the kit.

That set up is the delivery system and pole & brush. You still need to make pure water and have something to store it in.
Any of these packages will have their flaws. You have to be prepared to live with that if you want to buy a package. For instance, I personally wouldn't want to use a 25ft aluminum pole, but they are much less expensive than a professional carbon fiber one. If it were me, I would put the backpack on a sack truck, rather than on my back.

I am just saying, be prepared to make changes and maybe have to re-buy some things once you have some gear and use it a while. You won't get the perfect kit right off. Thus the comment above, where it was suggested that you just bought some 2nd had kit and used it a while to get experience of working with WFP gear.

If you have hard water, then it will probably cost you as much or more just making pure water, than any of these packages with the rest of the kit.

Cheersfor the advice. I would like to buy a 2nd hand delivery system and also 2nd hand ro system to make the pure, I just am not confident in what I am looking for, I nervous I will buy bad as I do nto know enough about it all yet. If Anyone can recommend a whole delivery sysytem and ro pure water system to buy 2nd hand and all ready to go nearly thats would be good, I though the ashby was good until you guys pointed out it was not. I ahve had a few shops tell me get this get that and its crap according to you guys, so its so helpful coming here for advice. So yeah if anyone could let me no what set ups on a budget are good to start with then please do.
