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Hey, all just a quick thread for anyone having issues which there shouldn't be. ?

We just finished some maintenance on the server and all should be running as expected but if you have issues please post a reply here.
The ads on this forum are nearly unbearable, constantly having to close them because they stop you scrolling and block the screen.
i agree mate, for the first time in years i'm looking at ciu more and more, ok its full of nuggets but there not a barrage of adverts and pop ups, also i do loads of research and ciu has many areas to research for things i'm interested in
Hey, all just a quick thread for anyone having issues which there shouldn't be. ?

We just finished some maintenance on the server and all should be running as expected but if you have issues please post a reply here.
Hi Gav, trying to print an invoice but your site is inactive.
Sorry, you lost me. What invoice? And the forum is active otherwise, you would not be able to post here.?
Hi @Gavin , is there anyway to remove this spotless add it’s doing my head in every time I try and look at a post it’s coming up and you have to cancel it and then click on the post again . I seriously thinking of leaving if this cannot be removed I pay a membership and don’t want to be bombarded with this ,I hope there won’t be any more coming up . I don’t have this situation any other site just seams to be hear ???thanks in advance
Hi @Gavin , is there anyway to remove this spotless add it’s doing my head in every time I try and look at a post it’s coming up and you have to cancel it and then click on the post again . I seriously thinking of leaving if this cannot be removed I pay a membership and don’t want to be bombarded with this ,I hope there won’t be any more coming up . I don’t have this situation any other site just seams to be hear ???thanks in advance
Totally agree with this comment iget both sides the need to bring money in to cover your time

I've been trying to record the screen when coming onto the forum the spotless water advert crashes the forum it will stop you scrolling down and no way to close it down.