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the to top ones r quite aquad to clean
i get a cuppa tho witch is nce /emoticons/biggrin.png

nice pole tench....yeh i can beat the cuppa with three cuppas yesterday on one house on a conny clean......cant beat a cuppa....and today got an orange club biscuit my fav with a cuppa:).....

See size does really matter /emoticons/biggrin.png

Nice pic :thumbsup:

I would say the most common cause of injuries using a wfp is not looking down when moving your feet. I should know as I've fallen down garden steps, off decking, tripped over stuff on the ground, nearly went into a pond to name but a few. Let’s just say I have an excuse as I'm old and forgetful:thumbsdown::laugh:

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thanks smurf used me mobile to tak pix( sony experia ) ,the lady in the bottom flat is very protective of her flower bed lol she makes me a cuppa so i gotas keep her sweet /emoticons/wink.png:cool:

Yes Indeed, Got to try and keep everyone happy but can be very trying at times to say the least.:thumbsup:

to b fair the super max 47 is very lite so not to mch strain on the arms my m8 has a xtel 45 whoaaaaa thats heavy i cleaned to openers an i was nackerd lol arms were burning sholders burning defo wouldent wana use that on this job or any come to think of it:D he had a go on my super max the other day an said thats to lite lol :rolleyes:i was a bit:confused: when he said that to b honist he wont b saying that when his sholder joints r worn out an gone to :turd: /emoticons/biggrin.png

At least you are using a decent lite pole unlike your mate so fair play to you :thumbsup:

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