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I may have to buy a 60 foot pole new, i want the pole ready to go with goose neck and brush, its to be used on a job we only do for one day every 3 months so i want to pay as little as possible. Help....
Yeah It's a bit of a predicament if you don't use it much? Don't think there's such thing as a cheap pole at that length they tend to be Carbon at the longer lengths, got the same problem myself got 2 possibly 3 solar panel jobs if I want them, suppose the best thing to do is look for more work where these poles will be used so it covers the cost of the pole.
When polling at height you want it to be rigid and light for me you can't beat gardiner's extreme range with the use of extensions you can take a 47ft pole to 72ft.
You'll want a minimum of Xtreme standard for work at 60ft and better still an Ultimate pole IMO- both Gardiner. Working at 60ft is no joke and a completely different ball game from anything else!!