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Matthew Phillips

Well-known member
Hi, I'm Matt, for the last 2 years I have been trying to become a full time window cleaning. I use a trolley reach and wash system made by a company called 'Pure Water'. It's OK but I'm looking to update to the van based system. I was wondering which is the best system out there, if there is such a thing. I'm down south but I don't mind where I have to travel to get it done. A fellow window cleaner told me in passing that 'Gardiner' were the best, can anyone verify this!

Any help is very much appreciated,

Many Thanks,


Welcome Matt.

I don't know if Gardiner are 'the best' as I do not have one of their systems however it is not often at all you will hear anyone speak ill of Gardiners products and their customer service seems top notch.

I have 2 of their poles, the SLX 18 and the SLX 25 and I am very happy with both.

My system is built from parts from various companies and I have acquired most of it from the eBay.

You will possibly find that most of the lads here with 'shop bought' systems will give theirs a good review so sit back relax and wait for the comments.

The key to good systems are filtration, pumps / controllers and poles the rest is pretty much not so important in my opinion.

Diy one imo, if it breaks you can fix it you can talor it to what you want and all for the fraction of the cost a ready made solution costs.

Diy all day long, all the branded Systems are made of the same stuff as any individually bought bits, they just have a shiny paint job and some stickers (yeah they do look good Evie)

But you can make your system look really nice, and to suit your company colours, plus you'll save a fortune, an absolute fortune, you'll know how it all works, and you'll be far more proud of what you've achieved than if you just buy an off the shelf one...


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