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Best way to go about getting customers?


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New member
Hi People,
I'm new to the forum, am 27 and just starting up as an exterior cleaning company, I've cleaned windows and cleared gutters a long time ago with a family friend. Done with the 9-5 that's not what life ment to be about 🤣 so yeah just looking for any tips, advice anything really for the best way to get customers.
Cheers guys hope everyone has had a great weekend!
Exactly same as above ☝️ really.

For me I started out canvassing & posting leaflets. I bought a couple of small rounds, literally just one or two days in a couple of different areas.

I wish I had google presence when I started though, I only decided to do that 5 years in to help ‘refine my work’
That’s a good way. Get a few reviews, get a website as well. And that’ll slowly but surely snow ball the enquiries.
I don’t really ‘push’ my google/business at all now, but between say March to August I probably get 3-5 calls a week I’d say. Which is fine for me, I pick & choose which ones I want, and you’ll get to that plane sooner or later. 👍👍

Driving a smart & clean-ish sign written van will pay for itself many many times over as well.
I wouldn't be wasting my time with flyers, best way to get a compact run is always going to be buying from someone.

The only place I'd advise chapping doors is new build estates that are just up, everywhere else 9 times out of 10 is going to have a window cleaner, and even if they don't do a good job and there not totally satisfied with his work they still aren't canceling him 9 times out of 10 as most people put up with things to avoid confrontation.

It's probably near impossible to build a good compact round somewhere that the houses have been there for years. There will be the odd occasion that someone's got lucky and the window cleaners not been back or something but it's the exception.

You'd end up with stragglers, in and out the van all day, which isn't fun.