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Burned by customer . . . What would you do?


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Definitely do not let this thief away with it! Get in touch with her and give her 14 days to pay what she owes or tell her you will take her through the small claims court. Also remind her how this will effect her credit rating and also let her know you will warn anyone else you see who starts to clean her windows about her dishonesty!
You can’t go straight to court you have to go to mediation first it’s a total waist of time and putting good money after bad best to just right it off and move on although it’s very frustrating to do that .
Definitely do not let this thief away with it! Get in touch with her and give her 14 days to pay what she owes or tell her you will take her through the small claims court. Also remind her how this will effect her credit rating and also let her know you will warn anyone else you see who starts to clean her windows about her dishonesty!
I believe you have to be careful what you say to these people. I wouldn't recommend telling her you will tell anyone you see cleaning her windows about her dishonesty.
Some really know how to play the system and we are part of the system.

At one time we have all been caught by these people. I have. I have been caught twice in 20 years. (Our annual bad debt is also very low.)

About 5 years after the first one caught me, he tried again. He didn't recognise me and I had a different van. I called him by his name and told him that as he still owes me money, there is no way I was going to clean his windows again for free.

The amount involved was very small when compared to what other trades stand to lose and have to put up with.

Dwelling on what they have done effects our health, not theirs, as they see their non payment for a service they received as an achievement.
About 5 years after the first one caught me, he tried again. He didn't recognise me and I had a different van. I called him by his name and told him that as he still owes me money, there is no way I was going to clean his windows again for free.
I had this the other day. The van currently isn’t sign written. Fella walks up to me and said can I give him price for his. I said “I can’t Dave because you didn’t pay us last time”. Colour drained out of his face, it was hilarious 😂
I believe you have to be careful what you say to these people. I wouldn't recommend telling her you will tell anyone you see cleaning her windows about her dishonesty.
Some really know how to play the system and we are part of the system.
If someone can’t let it go I think you just take some soapy water and smear it on the front windows and walk away. There’s no one doing anything about that. If you post it to social media you then have a right of reply 😂
I had this the other day. The van currently isn’t sign written. Fella walks up to me and said can I give him price for his. I said “I can’t Dave because you didn’t pay us last time”. Colour drained out of his face, it was hilarious 😂
Sometimes catching someone at their own game is priceless.
It's as though they do it so often that they forget who they have taken for a ride in the past.
have soaped up the windows too and it feels well worth it. but one that sticks in my mind was a 300 notes job,it really was the way they did it that caused me to over-react actually ended up costing them 10k praps more
Had one customer wind me right up in the early days. Got to a 3rd monthly clean before she got square (£12 a pop mind). We parted ways, I didn't message, she didn't ask. Then she messages me out of the blue, wanted top windows done (4 in total). Made sure I priced it worthwhile and, against my better judgement, said I'd do it as I was due to do the one opposite. Blanked me afterwards and the reminder messages. Called by and got the cash of her partner. Messaged her and got a thank you message straight back 🤣. Won't be going there next time, lesson learned.
had an ex custy of mine tex me today"sorry i missed your call,see you tomoro" .As it happens iv not rang anyone for ages not even any of my workers -so this was a try on on her part-hoping im desperate for work?? must be 6 yrs since i was down her road i should have replied ",ok,see you tomoro"- then not turn up - or turn up and pee on her wallflowers as she opens the door?
Definitely do not let this thief away with it! Get in touch with her and give her 14 days to pay what she owes or tell her you will take her through the small claims court. Also remind her how this will effect her credit rating and also let her know you will warn anyone else you see who starts to clean her windows about her dishonesty!
Wow I’m glad you don’t clean my windows Mr 😡 Angry. Have you tried therapy?Ill give you the number of my therapist ok bruv🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼
Just a quick word of thanks again to all you regular contributors here, I dont post much but have gleaned a lot from reading your guys experiences.

So got burned today by a customer. Think they had been unreliable in the past, so when they rejoined round a few years back I made sure that they were aware of all our T&Cs.
The numbers arent too important but for context its a three monthly job that we do in and out for £133+Vat £160. I always send out notifications weekend before due with date to expect us.
Last visit I surprised the wife as her husband hadnt passed on the message, same thing today. So we have a little chuckle about how hopeless he is and I mention that I can take her number as well to include her in future. She had to go out so was unsure about leaving us alone to do inside, her husband has often done so before but she seemed a bit nervy as I had my lad with me today. I didnt push.

She went away called husband and upon return she said outside only, I said we require 24hr notice when canceling or adjusting, but I wasnt strong, it was very measured and she seemed to understand and said I can message husband. We start front and do a few windows when I get a call from the husband, he says: "Its not going to work out, we are going to have to part ways", I was shocked and again meekly mention our cancelation policy, to which he says "well its my policy for you to give two weeks notice . . .".

Im not very good with confrontations and just kept silent as could feel myself getting mad and didnt think that was gonna help anything. So he hung up on me. We managed to last minute slot in a £65+Vat job from our waiting list, but still a bit out of pocket.

Im just so shocked by the sense of entitlement and lack of respect for you and your business that some people have. I console myself by the fact that for every bad egg theres likely 50/60 great customers out there. Its odd as our relationship for the past 3 or 4 years had been good, and the reasons for bumping them in the past werent this bad.

How would you proceed? We have a 50% late cancelation fee, should I send a bill followed by small claims notices? As always its about the principle as opposed to the money.
Does your reputation in the community effect your view of doing so? If your kids went same school or something like that?!
Ive never had to pursue this with any residential jobs, just on commercial one.

Thanks in advance for all the tips and thoughts.
Don’t let them get to you. I had a weeks work cancelled for three guys once, on day one. Now we always get a purchase order for any works.
It's not my policy, but I know one windy that will turn up, dip his wet brush in the ground and put the dirt back if they refuse to pay up. Not recommending it but it, but it did make me chuckle when he told me. 😂
You can’t go straight to court you have to go to mediation first it’s a total waist of time and putting good money after bad best to just right it off and move on although it’s very frustrating to do that .
In Ireland you can go straight to court. I've done it more than once and got what I was owed!
It's not my policy, but I know one windy that will turn up, dip his wet brush in the ground and put the dirt back if they refuse to pay up. Not recommending it but it, but it did make me chuckle when he told me. 😂
And that’s the way to deal with bad customers not wind yourself up and get mad you get even⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐