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blady squeege


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lost my 22inch unger squeege on saturday /emoticons/angry.png:)mad: so had to use my ninja 36 this morning grrrr looks like ive left it on a window sill in town on a small town house looks like its bin half inched :rolleyes: ill probly order a ninja 22 insted this time and take off the 36 as i find the 36 a bit to big realy for the shops

ive left my clx b 4 i was like sxxxhit were is it when i opened the van door raced bk an found it in custmers garden /emoticons/biggrin.png easy done

blady hell truffs thats a completly new level vac an ladders :eek:/emoticons/biggrin.png:rofl:

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yep forgot ladders once....wife came in and said wheres your ladders one sunday....oops

best one was I lost my 18 inch squeegee...really annoyed....found it five months later still hanging in the bush I had dropped it in..RESULT

AND not forgetting my aldi sunglasses....I guessed his lordship had em....and as it happened he had me back the following week so I looked him in the eyes and said did you find any sunglasses.....and he said oh yes...

but hes lost them again....maybe I will get them next time.../emoticons/biggrin.png

Some of me old work was a 20 mile drive away. Forgot cloths. Had to buy a few new ones that I didnt really need. Another time went without bucket, applicator n water and in those days I didnt carry spare so I found hose filled bob with water and cleaned old scool wet scrim dry scrim. Felt like me arms were gonna fall of by the end of the day.

I used to leave my ladder mats behind a lot. Lost a few scrims lately so bought 3 more today aswell as a pack of small microfibers for the sills.
