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I count up the windows and work it from there. I had a (half) one today, five lower panes and the openers. They were not big panes (about 30inches across), so to I would treat them as two and a half windows at whatever you charge. After making a price I then ask myself how long would it take to do, just to cover myself.

Firstly welcome to the forum and sorry not all members are as welcoming as most but almost always this is a great friendly forum to ask questions and search for information. With regards greenprocleans comment it should be noted that virtually every new thread this week has been covered previously at some point especially for example ones on rain etc and I'm sure they could also be found via a search! With regards the original question what Rugbywolf said really and ultimately whether its a Connie extension or whatever you just gotta look at how long a job will take you and charge accordingly. Good luck mate

Experience mostly. Sometimes the most perceptively easy jobs can turn into nightmares.

I price mine starting at £30 then I know I have 45-60min to get it done and that's the lowest I'd want an hour for them.

I charge about £4 a panel I guess if I broke it down. I have got in to a habit now of not undercharging for them because I find them the most strenuous of all my services, even using a WFP. I'd rather not do one if it's any less than my basic. Most come in about £40 if I took an average.

Best advice is to set a figure you're happy with an hour, do a few of them and see where you're at time wise. If it's taking too long charge more.

Good luck.
