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Do you really have to tell people that there conservatory roof isn't included?


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I prefer to give them time to think about things as the last thing I want a few weeks down the line is - sorry we have decided not to go ahead. I.E they found someone cheaper or they can't afford it.
I prefer to give them time to think about things as the last thing I want a few weeks down the line is - sorry we have decided not to go ahead. I.E they found someone cheaper or they can't afford it.

That's totally ok.

But I would prefer to hear this now rather than a few weeks down the line. It's just the way I am.
This whole "argument" is very easily resolved by stating in your quote that "you will clean all outside windows, frames, sills and doors" If they complain you haven't cleaned the Conservatory Roof reply with a very short, polite, statement saying I quoted to clean windows and there is no mention in the quote about cleaning a roof, end of.
This is a difficult one. As a salesman in the motor trade, you need to complete the deal before the customer leaves. If he goes away to think about it, a more experienced salesman will clench the deal.
Personally, I would like to get the customer's job while I'm there, even asking if I can do the clean while I'm there. If the customer hesitates, then you have further questions to ask. "What is still concerning you, Mr. Customer?" The most common objection is price related. If you walk away promising to send a quote later, then you have lost the moment. IMHO it's ensuring you have covered all bases with regard to pricing while you are there, but also preparing enough to not exclude anything substantial in your pricing.

That's just my opinion.
The vast majority of my quotes for years now have been done through Facebook or email with the customer providing photos, I prefer this method rather than face-to-face sometimes as on certain properties I like to mull things over a bit, if it's a new build no extensions then these are very easy to quote if I clean the exact same house's

also doing quotes without a home visit is far easier plus everything is there in black and white if a customer wants me to be their cleaner they'll accept the quote, I sometimes do put towards the end of the quote, please note this does not include the roof or whatever it might be like really high velux windows. these are never deleted from FB so if a customer comes back to me and they've usually deleted the message at their end I can make it very clear what was quoted and give them the date, even had customers ask why they didn't get a text to know why I was calling, yet they never provided a phone number :rolleyes:
Did a first clean on Friday, normal house with a conservatory on the back.

Just had a message from them saying hi I was on my way out when a white guy came to the house to do the windows but didn't even do these ones. (Sent me a photo of the conservatory roof)...

Explained that it's not a window, and the whole conservatory windows, sills and door where done. (Looked brand new by the time id finished).

Basically sent me a second text saying clearly it's a window, and good luck with my business and ripping customers off ????

No doubt they will cancel the direct debit before it actually comes out. Never before has any of my customers assumed the roof is included?

What do I even do here?
Hi there. Learn from your mistakes always bruv. In future make it clear to all customers what’s included and what’s not. As for the customer with the attitude try and sort it out ,I’m a hothead myself but now I work for myself I’ll kill them with kindness. If they still arsey with you move on pal 👌🏻
We had this recently even although I specifically mentioned the conservatory roof was extra. She denied I ever said that. Basically, she was saying I was a liar.

I chose to tell her to have the window clean me and walked away without cleaning the conservatory roof. We started to pack up. That made her mad.

It takes us longer to clean the conservatory roof than the windows. I got the feeling, judging by her attitude, that she still might not pay us after we did the conservatory roof for nothing, so I choose to stop the job and walk away. She basically let us know that she definitely wasn't a customer we wanted on our books. Glad we found out right away.

So it can happen to us who have been around a long time.
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