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Construction dust on windows


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I have a good few newly build estates around where I live so I started to target them. Did few houses and all good but today I was scrubbing one single window for about 30 minutes just because it was facing sun and dried too quickly and smears all over the window!

The dirty water just kept dripping from somewhere even I scrubbed and rinsed the frames really well...

Anyone had the same experience ? /emoticons/sad.png

p.s. At the end I just put a LOT of Fairy on my brush and scrubbed it all over. It was really (really!) foamy all over but it came out perfect.

Some of the windows I clean for a certain house builder the seals are really oily and its like the lower part of the window has been sprayed with wd40 and it smears all over unless windows are pre-treated with virosol or another type of degreaser of your choice
