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Crisis of Confidence


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Well-known member
Hi all.
Generally think I've been doing a good job as am praised by customers and I can see the results on my own windows.
However, did a village hall on Friday (outside approx quarterly, inside bi-annually). Did the outside, went in to do the inside and a couple of the windows still had fly strike on them on outside. Went outside and looked from all angles and couldn't see them to focus extra scrubbing (although ground floor windows, the ground level is a lot lower outside so not something I could get close too). Went over them again and pushed down harder with the brush - as it was getting dark by this point, didn't have time to back inside and check.
Just worries me that some of these marks that have been on there a lot longer are still lingering on other windows.
I generally use WCW phantom pole and their sill brush which I originally thought was very good with stubborn stains - and cold water.
The customer doesn't seem to have any issues with it, think they are just glad someone turns up and does a job but I have a certain standard I'm trying to keep.
Any advice appreciated. It maybe a one off issue but it does worry me with first cleans now.
All well and good but I can't afford to put a hot water system in, would be nice this time of year.
Hi Dan. Not saying the brush is to blame, but I have had this on a little estate of park homes I clean. All are ok apart from a few windows on one which the little insect marks seem harder to clean off. I found using a sill brush where the bristles are curved wasn't working so well. I switched it to a standard rectangle brush, where more bristles make contact with the window, to be much better.
I struggled with this for a while (the confidence thing). My advice is this: if your customers are happy, you're doing fine. I don't think people will continue paying you if they feel they aren't getting a good service, so therefore the fact that they continue to employ you means that you at very least do an adequate job. Just focus on doing your best. If a customer leaves, maybe chat to them to see if it's anything you've done. If they complain, apologise, investigate and fix it (if necessary - sometimes it's not your fault e.g. blown seals leading to moisture between panes of double glazing). Until then you HAVE to assume your job is good. Helped me to get a little peace, hope it helps you too.
If you are talking about bird strikes, yes they can be tricky to see at times, I'll scrub in all directions to make sure I have shifted them sometimes even a small spray of pre-mixed tfr in a bottle onto the brush will help shift stubborn marks,

I have no idea how long you have had your brush or how much use it has had. If it's your only brush, the tips of the bristles will become worn, and your brush will not be as effective as it was six months ago, this is usually apparent when a brush won't shift fly poo.

It might be time for a new brush?
Hi Dan one thing you could maybe try is to saturate and brush that window first. And allow the pure water to work on it through saturation. Quite often going back to it 10 or 15 minutes later the and washing again the debris has become loose. If that doesn't happen then there may be a scratch or ground in paint on the windows. Or if windows are double glazed it may be between the panes of glass. As someone else mentioned. Aslong as the customer is happy and not complaining happy days. You can only be as good as the windows you clean. If they have a history of scratches paint cement spots then if the customer requires perfection then its time they got new windows installed. Some customers are sticklers they watch alot and others are just relaxed. Just keep on doing the professional job your providing and keeping to your standard. There will always be the odd thing here and there. If your really curious and have a set of ladders then just go up and have a good look scrape with a finger mail or non scratch scraper. Best of luck
Hi all.
Generally think I've been doing a good job as am praised by customers and I can see the results on my own windows.
However, did a village hall on Friday (outside approx quarterly, inside bi-annually). Did the outside, went in to do the inside and a couple of the windows still had fly strike on them on outside. Went outside and looked from all angles and couldn't see them to focus extra scrubbing (although ground floor windows, the ground level is a lot lower outside so not something I could get close too). Went over them again and pushed down harder with the brush - as it was getting dark by this point, didn't have time to back inside and check.
Just worries me that some of these marks that have been on there a lot longer are still lingering on other windows.
I generally use WCW phantom pole and their sill brush which I originally thought was very good with stubborn stains - and cold water.
The customer doesn't seem to have any issues with it, think they are just glad someone turns up and does a job but I have a certain standard I'm trying to keep.
Any advice appreciated. It maybe a one off issue but it does worry me with first cleans now.
Hey mate,

Sometimes those pesky marks are hard to spot, especially when you're working against the light.
A couple of things that might help:
Maybe try a slightly stronger cleaning solution for those first cleans or really grimy window.A microfiber scrub pad on your pole might help shift those stubborn bits. If possible, always have a quick check from the inside after you've done the outside. Easier to spot any missed bits that way.
And like you said, that's where insurance comes in! It's there to cover you in case anything gets missed or accidentally damaged. Gives you peace of mind to focus on doing a good job. 👍
If I have any that look
Like they may be a problem I spray them
With elbow grease spray. Come back to it a few minutes later and clean a normal.
Works a treat
Hi all.
Generally think I've been doing a good job as am praised by customers and I can see the results on my own windows.
However, did a village hall on Friday (outside approx quarterly, inside bi-annually). Did the outside, went in to do the inside and a couple of the windows still had fly strike on them on outside. Went outside and looked from all angles and couldn't see them to focus extra scrubbing (although ground floor windows, the ground level is a lot lower outside so not something I could get close too). Went over them again and pushed down harder with the brush - as it was getting dark by this point, didn't have time to back inside and check.
Just worries me that some of these marks that have been on there a lot longer are still lingering on other windows.
I generally use WCW phantom pole and their sill brush which I originally thought was very good with stubborn stains - and cold water.
The customer doesn't seem to have any issues with it, think they are just glad someone turns up and does a job but I have a certain standard I'm trying to keep.
Any advice appreciated. It maybe a one off issue but it does worry me with first cleans now.
Like one of the comment Sed used a rectangle brush the best one I have found is the Xline with bolt in rind bare and hat water heater if you tek minded you can biled one for less than 2k with good quality parts I did and works very well and I can tell you were I got most of the parts if you are interested
Like one of the comment Sed used a rectangle brush the best one I have found is the Xline with bolt in rind bare and hat water heater if you tek minded you can biled one for less than 2k with good quality parts I did and works very well and I can tell you were I got most of the parts if you are interested
I would be interested in a parts list. I have seen some of the heaters but I have only seen the Chinese ones that come with a controller - I haven't see the Webasto heaters that can be bought from car pre heat fitment having any sort of controller. i.e. a used Webasto seems to be teh best option but how do you control it when it's supposed to run of a vehicle can bus system?
Any info would be good as I know the basics it's just the control systems that I am unaware of.
Thank you all. Made me feel better. The trouble I had with this window in particular was that from the outside I couldn't see a thing, got inside and I could see fly muck definitely still on the outside. Frustrating that I couldn't see it from the outside and was worried I'm leaving things like that on other windows where I don't do the internal and will never know.

Worth thinking about the brush though, been going 18 months (full time about 12) and I've got 3 brushes in the van (1 rectangle, 2 sill) plus my very first one which I only use on fascias now. All from WCW - not experienced gardeners or xline.

How long should they last when used 5/6 hours 5 days a week? At £40/£50 a pop I didn't want to keep buying.

Polarised sun glasses help a lot with seeing marks on upstairs windows when it’s sunny. Sometimes when cleaning trad I think a windows right until I get halfway down the ladder looking at it at a different angle to see detailing marks and other stuff I couldn’t see when directly infront of the window.
Worth thinking about the brush though, been going 18 months (full time about 12) and I've got 3 brushes in the van (1 rectangle, 2 sill) plus my very first one which I only use on fascias now. All from WCW - not experienced gardeners or xline.

How long should they last when used 5/6 hours 5 days a week? At £40/£50 a pop I didn't want to keep buying.
Six months of daily use, and it's likely shot. I use Gardiners xtreme sill brushes for everything, and at best, I'd get 4-5 months out of one. That's me using my 22-foot pole for most of my work and not switching brushes. If I think it's still got some use in it, I might put it on my bigger pole which doesn't get used as much.