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Could Portapower Be Better Or Same As Van Mounted System ?


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Hello everyone !

I'm new on this forum and also new to window cleaning . I really need an advice choosing the right system for my work .

A short intro - i started with a squeegee and ladder - but i had to say several time NO to new customers because i wasn't able to clean their conservatories .

So i thought to get a water fed system but not sure which one - as i am new as i mentioned .

Firstly - i cant really afford to get a van right now - and i really dont see the point getting one as i have only 15 houses. at the moment. So i thought to get a troley system which will fit in my estate .

So - did a quick search and found a Pure Freedom troley with RO etc etc - for just under 1000 quid.

However later on - i found the PortaPower http://www.brodexbms...-trolley-system

which looks fantastic to me . But i didnt find any reviews on the internet about it . The good point is that i dont have to get a tank in the garage to keep the pure water - i can leave my water container in the car (with tap water) and use the Porta Power .

It seems to be better but is abit costy /emoticons/smile.png

please advise me - before spending / wasting my money . /emoticons/smile.png

PS: i dont expect a lot of work done with water fed system - may be shall i get just a pump which i will keep in the car - and a 50 meter hose to do the conservatories ?

Thank you very much

what you could do to make it cheaper for you is to have a backpack, few 25lt containers and a di bottle. depending what your water tds is

yeah sounds fine a backpack - however i really hope to get more work in the future - and thought it might be a good idea to get something which will last - and will allow me to do my work quickly ,

the Porta Power is designed for two poles up to 60 ft - my question is - which one will be more efficient - a van mounted or a PortaTroley

van mounted will always be better, but there is always a time that a trolly could come in handy.

i started off with a trolly from the back of my vw golf, soon outgrew the trooly and had to go to van mounted.

You don't need to use pure water on plastic conservatory roofs you know...and you can can also trad glass ones using a pole

For platic roofs a chepo truck brush attached to a 5m harris pole would do to scrub it then rinse the detegent off with a garden hose. Simples

For platic roofs a chepo truck brush attached to a 5m harris pole would do to scrub it then rinse the detegent off with a garden hose. Simples
thank you

PS : let say you need a good troley / mobile system - would you consider the one i mentioned above ? or is waste of money ?

i really think that the pump can be adjusted from 4 l/h to less than that - when used by one operator . And i am fully agree with you - using customer's water isn't professional - however i am not worried about that as i will always carry water with me - for all my jobs .

the only thing i am not sure - is the price to keep the unit in shape - like servicing it and consumables - filters etc etc .

i didnt use a pure water system before - but as i know every unit needs some consumable - to produce the water .

same should be with this troley

just got a reply from the seller of the PortaPower : This is a pure water filtration system and should not be compared to the RO type filtration systems.

what does he mean ? is it better then RO type filtration ?

thank you



di tank

small 10" pre-filter

4040 ro

boster pump


couplings & fittings

Have i missed anything?

You could make one yourself cheaper than that surely?

just got a reply from the seller of the PortaPower : This is a pure water filtration system and should not be compared to the RO type filtration systems.

what does he mean ? is it better then RO type filtration ?

thank you
That trolly is a ro system, it's a 40/40 ro system. It does the same job as them all just on a larger scale.



di tank

small 10" pre-filter

4040 ro

boster pump


couplings & fittings

Have i missed anything?

You could make one yourself cheaper than that surely?
A bit of wire, fuse, Yer you could build one for about £1000 with some change!

Don't ask me ask him.....as would like to hear his reply too :rolleyes:
i will of course

another thing that make me think - is the price on the manufacturer website (well at least i think is manufacturer) the troley costs £2000 + VAT and to add a pole would be almost £3000 http://www.brodexbms.co.uk/products/Portable-Trolley-Solutions/portapower-trolley-system , http://www.brodexbms.co.uk/products/cobra-pole-carbon-fibre

but on ebay same unit £2000 including VAT and 57ft pole http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160913822406&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:GB:1123

£1000 is a huge difference - and i am not gonna get one until i find out why the price vary so much
