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Poles Apart

Well-known member
Had a message on my Facebook page it read: How much would it cost to do a 3 bed Semi in Castle Bromwich? My current window cleaner is charging me £15 a month I'm looking at paying £10 bi-monthly.:finger:

Reply "Sure no problem I can do that for £10, side & rear windows and front door will be extra."

I had a face book one asking for a quote, said give me an address, she did, I said I know that street, as long as no conservatory or extension it's £8 per house there (this was 3 years ago prices) she said I only want the front's doing, I said oh, I have a minimum charge of £8 weather it's just fronts or the whole lot, she said, I will stick with the guy I have already, he's only £5!

Wow these peoplr sound really stingy you guy in uk should raise the standard for pricing with some union .or somthing
