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Adding another van


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I’m toying with the idea of adding another van. I currently work with 3 of us in the one van. On the odd occasion and probably quite rarely my brother would do the odd day.

Trying to decide if it’s worth the bother?

Say a van cost 10k, insurance and tax etc 1.5k

Fuel is also a big thing say an extra £50 a week or so

To split my two workers and me to go solo. They aren’t going to get as much work done with me there also but then there is less driving around as such to a certain extent. I think I would be even happier if it didn’t make any extra money but got more done and potentially extra time off ?

What’s other peoples experience with adding another van ?
2 workers won't get as much done as they would do themselves, I'd be more inclined to put them in a van each, instead of you going sole spend a few days between the 2 of them if it's needed to get the work done. Youl get through the same work load doing it that way as you would with your original idea.

Only drawback is if they are used to you out working, they kind of resent the fact that your no working and they are. They think it's no fair because there out there working making you money for sitting in the house.

I'm sure a few on here are nodding there heads reading that as itl be a situation they have found themselves in before.
The only problem is only one of them drive !
We work 2 per van I admit it’s not the most profitable way to work but we do do a lot of commercial which needs 2 on the job for H & S reasons and the houses are very compact so it’s not to bad . If doing the odd house here and there then it will drastically reduce income . It depends what type of rounds / work you are doing I have always worked 2 per van and am very happy with the money it brings in but I built my rounds to work that way so for us it wouldn’t work with one guy per van , but for others it would be a good idea.